
On January 2 and 3rd of 1997 I gave myself a present. I got up on the second and decided that I was going to be Barbara all day. I got dressed in my black skirt with the slits on both sides of the front and put on the black short sleeve sweater and headed out to Six Flags Mall.

It was a slow day for the mall so doing some shopping and getting waited on was not a problem. Since the only bra I had was white and since it didn't really go with my sweater, I went in search of a black bra.

The sales people at Victoria's Secret were very helpful. After trying on several and being treated like that the lady that I am, I finally found one that fit. Then off to several other store's I went, J.C. Penny's, Foley's and Dillard's, all to no avail. After shopping all morning and part of the afternoon my feet begin to ache and so I went home and rested.

On Friday after taking my SO to work I went home got dressed and headed for the parks Mall. After making an appointment with the Clinique counter at Foley's for a make-over I again went shopping for a nice outfit for the T coming up in March. At 11:15 I sat down for the makeover and for the next 45 minutes I was pampered with a facial and complete makeover.

Heading over to Sears in Six Flags mall after having gotten a bite to eat I tried on several outfits the caught my eye. Settling on the green dress that shows off my legs and my figure, I made my way to the check out where I paid for the dress. A good part, other than the way I look in the dress, is that the dress was on sale, so I got a $55.00 Dress for $20.00. Satisfied with my purchase I headed home to rest and change before picking up My SO from work.

Arriving home, My son's bride to be was there, (she doesn't know about Barbara). So I rushed in and changed. After a few moments I walked into her room (she lives with us.) We had a heart to heart talk about Barbara and she is very accepting ( even though my son isn't) Then we had some girl talk and now she wants the girls to go out sometime.

I would say that this was a great way to start out 1997. A time of coming out to those I care about. I can't wait to go out again and this time with someone like my future daughter in law.
