Fiesta - Nov 1995
From an article entitled "It's A Matter of Class"
by Jaye Reviere

"Those memories of experiences over many years really reminded me of the times in which I have been stared at, ridiculed, harassed, ignored, and even admired and complimented. In every case, the variation of reaction on the part of others has been directly related to appropriateness. Appropriateness of dress has to do with age, body build, time of day, and activities in which you are engaged. When you are dressed appropriately to your age, your body build, the time of day, and the activities in which you are engaged, you are demonstrating "class." When you dress in a "class" manner and behave as a lady, about the worst to happen is, you will be ignored. The most common thing you can expect to happen is, you will be noticed and admired. You may even receive compliments."