From: [email protected] (Allison Marsh)
Subject: Re:Thanksgiving

Dear Friends,
Since our recent venture down into Texas, I feel compelled to tell you, "yuall to have a nice Thanksgiviing, heah?"

And when you say grace, if you say grace, don't forget to give thanks on behalf of all the members of losing football teams that they didn't get beaten any worse, or injured in the game. Give thanks for the dirty politicians who make it possible for many news paper reporters to support their families. Give thanks for the freeway tie-ups which increase the sale of tanquilizers, thus boosting sales for the drug companies and enabling them to continue their research on cures for memory loss. Give thanks for so many old timers who managed to die where paleontologists could find them and increase the value of the land where they were dug up. Give thanks for the wonders of alcohol without which so many people would find themselves in a world of hurt. Give thanks for sex preditors, without whom we would be able to cut our prison construction program and throw thousands of construction workers out on the street. Give thanks for streets where construction workers can sleep if they abolish sex preditors.

There are so many things about which to be happy. Among them are the wives who often help us keep our perspective, as well as sometimes finding our place. And without whom we would not be saying grace at Thanksgiving dinner.

I am including a letter I wrote yesterday to the editor of the OLYMPIAN, our daily paper. It will go in the letters to the editor section.

Dear Mike,
I have just read in the Olympian (Saturday, November 22, Section D page 1) that "Men go through menopause too." Psychotherapist Dr. Jed Diamond identified these symptoms which make it possible for us to identify menopause when we have it. "Bulging wastelines, lowered sex drives, stagnant relationships, frequent urination at night, moodiness... irritability, depression, anxiety, loss of self-confidence, forgetfulness, and feelings of loneliness." He adds that men usually go through these changes between 40 and 50.

Dr. Diamond is truly a genius. He has finally given us a name to call all these things that happened to us when we were between 40 and 50. But I still find it difficult to explain to my friends how my menopause can still be getting worse 30 years later. Do you know if Dr. Diamond's book explains how to shut it off if male menopause tends to run too long?

Gail Salisbury
(360) 754-6231

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