Diane & Debra Do Seattle
by Diane Liegh

Diane knew she would be in Seattle in June and contacted Debra to see if they could get together while Diane was there. It worked out and following is the result of their efforts.

Diane called Debra Thursday morning at about 10:00am to see how Debra's day was going. They arranged for Debra to pick up Diane's male self at the hotel at 3:00pm. That allowed Diane most of the day to prepare. She spent hours doing her nails, taking a long, luxurious bath, shaving legs and underarms and just "getting ready". She had already made her clothing decisions in Dallas as they had to be packed for the trip to Seattle.

The outfit consisted of black panties, bra, full slip and pantyhose. For the outer clothes, Diane chose her red plaid skirt and matching vest with a long sleeve black crew neck sweater. (The weather forecast for Seattle Thursday night was to be in the low 60's.)

About 2:00pm, Diane began dressing in her under clothes, which she would cover with a male jump suit for the trip down the elevator and out of the hotel. There were a couple of very good reasons why Diane could not leave the room as herself. You will just have to speculate on what those reasons might be. Once dressed, Diane put her outer wear in a hanging bag and packed her makeup, wig, etc., and went down to meet Debra.

Debra was very punctual and we were off for the remainder of the day. Since Debra had come straight from work and Diane was only half dressed, they headed for Debra's hideaway (no relation to Hernando's Hideaway where you have to knock three times and whisper low, that you and she were sent by Joe) where amazing transformations take place.

Since Diane only had to do her makeup, put on her skirt and sweater and polish her nails, she was ready long before Debra who had to not only dress, but first decide what to wear. She chose a vanilla short skirt in a soft material, a matching blouse with decorations on the front (As you can tell, my descriptive abilities need to be improved). She also wore matching vanilla hose and heels. She topped the ensemble off with her long blond wig with a bow in the back (was it the same hair referred to in her visit to Orlando? I don't know.)

We were both ready to go but were now waiting for Karen, another member of The Emerald City group in Seattle. When we had waited about a half hour and she didn't show and we could not contact her we left and started our afternoon soiree. We drove back downtown and I left everything up to Debra. She decided some shopping at BonMarchee would be fun. We couldn't find a parking space nearby so I offered to pay for parking in an adjoining parking garage. We immediately headed for the misses floor and started looking. Almost immediately a beautiful beaded jacket caught my eye. I have a short taffeta shirt with a nylon overskirt and have been looking for a beaded jacket (like Tommie won at the Christmas party) for quite some time. Well, I tried one on and went searching for a mirror. As I had just put it on over my sweater and vest, it was a little hard to tell but I thought that it was probably to large. I went back to the rack and selected the next smaller size and Debra and I both agreed that it was a better choice. Right next to the jacket was a rack of after five dresses with white tops and black skirts. There were three different styles: long skirt, short skirt, both with a short sleeve top and then a long skirt with a top that had only shoulder straps. I would have loved to try them all on but it was 15 minutes to store closing time and there just wasn't enough time. I even decided to pass up the beaded top as my suitcase was so full already that I didn't know how I would handle it. Later on in the evening, someone suggested that I could have had the store mail it but I hadn't thought of that at the time.

We left the store to try and find the car. Now remember that today Debra was a blonde. She really got into the spirit of things by getting off on the wrong floor of the parking garage. When we couldn't find the car, we had to decide whether to go up or down one level to look. We chose to go down a floor and found the car right where we had left it.

Unbeknownst to me, the evening plan called for going to a yuppie billiard parlor to play pool. We were to meet several other girls from the Emerald City club there. I was surprised when I arrived as I have never played pool in my life, let alone in a skirt. Well, I was game for most anything so we got our table assignment and off we went. We were soon joined by Karen, ______ and _____. We played pool, had a drink and visited. My playing consisted of trying to make the cue ball hit any other ball, never mind actually trying to sink a ball.

Debra had thought that we would just eat at the pool hall but she got out-voted. We ended up at a beautiful place in an elegant dining room which was situated at a marina. We had a table with a gorgeous view of the mountains, docked boats and the water. We had a fine meal and more conversation.

All to so it was late. Diane, like Cinderella, had to be home before the coach turned into a pumpkin. The girls kindly dropped Diane off at the hotel at about 10:30pm and then they continued on with their evening. Diane was obligated to return to her suitcase for a 4:30am get-up and departure.

I had a very good time and look forward to my return to see my new friends in Seattle.