Puttin' on the Ritz
'97 TriEss Convention

My Personal Experiences
by Diane Liegh TX-4261-H

Desiree' and I returned to DFW at 12:30AM on November 11 after spending two and a half fun filled days in Chicago at the Tri-Ess Annual Convention - "Holiday En Femme"

We had been in the Chicago area for several days visiting relatives when we decided we were ready to "get on with the fun". We called the hotel, hoping that they would have a vacancy allowing us to arrive Wednesday or Thursday. Unfortunately, they were full up on both nights.

There was nothing left to do but for us girls to get dressed up and go shopping to shake off the blues. The temperature outside was in the low 50's so I selected a grape knit sweater and skirt outfit with matching hose and flats. I topped this off with a doubled strand of pearls, dangling amethyst ear rings and a hand full of rings. I had a new white cape to protect me from the cold.

Desiree' selected her brand new (purchased a couple of days before in Wisconsin) pink long sleeve sweater and cardigan set and a black wool skirt. She chose black flats for her mall walking and accessories to match her outfit.

During the getting ready process, at one point Desiree' stopped stone cold and said, "I forgot an accessory I need for my Saturday gown." Now we not only had a desire to go shop but we had a MISSION, a PURPOSE.

We drove north on the Northwest Tollway from O'hare toward our destination mall. On the way there was a billboard advertising ladies shoes from AA to EE in sizes 9 to 16. We penciled that in on our agenda.

We arrived at the mall and made a cursory trip around the perimeter road to plan our attack. Let's see -- there is Nordstrom's, Penney's, and Marshall Field's as anchors and lots of lingerie and shoe shops. We made our initial attack upon Marshall Field's and we conquered them due to their lack of desired merchandise. We then decided to initiate a flanking maneuver to Nordstrom's. Carefully checking out every outpost along the trail, we attacked Nordstrom's head on. We declared that we would accept nothing less than an unconditional surrender. They displayed their offerings, which Desiree' declared to be acceptable, and victory was ours. That battle over, we proceeded on our mission to the shoe store. Upon locating their encampment, we stole into their camp. Our initial survey showed, SAS, Easy Strider and many other name brands. Extending our raid, we rounded a corner and found - THE SALE RACK!! Look! Size 11EE, size 12, size 13. I sneaked up on the size 11 area and spied a perfect candidate for the Friday night event at Holiday En Femme. A beautiful little pump with gold and silver straps in size 11C; 11D; and 11E. Just like Goldilocks, I sat down and tried them on. The first pair, 11C, was much to narrow. The next pair, 11D, was a little snug. The third pair, 11E, was JUST RIGHT; and on sale too. $87.50 marked down to $42. I captured those shoes on the spot, took them to their leader and announced my intentions of wearing them on Friday night. The leader capitulated immediately and we walked out of the store in triumph.

Having been unconditionally successful on our shopping mission, we journeyed to our new camp to plan our attack on - HOLIDAY EN FEMME. We had chosen our camp with care; close to the site of the proposed encounter but far enough so that we would not be noticed. Villa park (on Roosevelt Road) was a perfect location. We dined at the Boston Market to firm up our plans and then retired so that we could arise and start our attack at first light.

The morning finally arrived. It was time to arrive at the HOLIDAY EN FEMME. The plan was to get up, put on all of the necessary armor and war paint and make an impressive entrance. Diane chose a charcoal gray suit with a fuchsia blouse. The blouse had lace around the neck and sleeve cuffs. She also chose gray hose with plain black pumps. A small leaf of gold adorned each ear and a larger matching leaf pin was on her right lapel. Definitely a power outfit.

The distaff duo arrived at the hotel where they immediately registered for their room and were then ready to mingle among the other warriors. But wait!! The others weren't warriors!! They were friendly, peace seeking voyagers traveling the gender paths of life. They didn't want combat, they wanted to help -- to aid -- to assist. This called for a complete makeover (but the mini-mall wasn't ready for that yet). Change modes, let the feminine side out. Hey, I can do that. This is fun. Visit. Talk. Help others. Why did it seem like combat was such fun? Relationships are fun!

Samantha and her entourage were sitting around the breakfast table chatting as we arrived. We helped ourselves to some juice and muffins and joined them. We chatted for awhile until I noticed that there were a couple of the Chi chapter girls there. I had a question to ask Miranda of Chi chapter and any other Chi's I might meet.

[Now I have a secret agenda for attending the Holiday En Femme this year. I know that none of you would breathe a word to anyone so I'll tell you. Just don't breathe a word of this secret. I grew up in the Chicagoland area. I went to high school in Franklin park at Leyden Community High School and graduated in 1957 in a class of 500. Since we all knew that we are the only one who has ever cross-dressed, I'm sure that none of the other 499 did! But in the one-in-a- million chance that one or more did, I would like to make contact. So every time I saw a different Chi name tag, I quizzed them on how long they had been in the area. I'm sad to say that I never did find anyone who went back to the late 50's.]

As the group broke up to go and do their own thing, the distaff duo decided to try and register for the convention. We found the registration room closed until 2PM so there was nothing left for Diane to do but check out the vendors. Since we had not been able to register, we were unable to pay for the luncheon and therefore missed Jane Ellen's address to the convention. Desiree' and I had lunch at the hotel restaurant.

After lunch there was a workshop with students from Professor Alan Lanning's College of DuPage (County) class on Psychology and Human Behavior. There was a panel of four gender-gifted girls (Eve, Michelle, Candance and Naomi) and approximately 90 students. Each member of the panel told her story and then the floor was opened for questions. The session was well received and provided a great opportunity for outreach and education. After a short break, small groups were formed so that the students could operate on a more intimate basis.

Desiree' and I decided it was time to get a little rest in anticipation of the evening "Procrastinator's Halloween Ball" so we proceeded to our room.

There were to be three classes of costumes for the evening -scary, original, and beautiful. Diane brought her "Southern Belle" gown - strapless, in a soft pink with white scallops around the skirt and a full hoop under the skirt. The shoes from the prior day's excursion and a silver sequined tiara completed the outfit.

How fun it was to ride down the elevator and parade across the entire length of the lobby, the entire time the center of attention of everyone in the lobby. We arrived at the ballroom and selected our seats. We were joined by Jane Ellen & Frances Fairfax, Melanie & Peggy Rudd and two other lovely ladies. The meal was exquisite, and the conversation quite entertaining. When it was time for the "beautiful" judging there were about nine girls. Each of us had our chance to parade in front of the judges and the assembled convention. We then had to wait for the judges decision on who would be the three finalists. The first finalist announced was one of our brides-to-be. I WAS THE SECOND FINALIST! The third finalist was a Chi member, Lori Fox, dressed as a Las Vegas show girl. We all got to parade around the floor again and then the waiting began anew. Lori and I, in true pageant spirit clung to each other and shared girl talk. I think our bride was scared to death. Soon the announcer approached the mike with the judges' decision. Lori was the winner! For those of you who don't know Lori, let me tell you that she has the looks and figure for which many gg's would kill. She was particularly beautiful in her black net hose, skimpy outfit, and feather plumed headpiece.

With the costume judging over, it was time to move to the dance floor and gyrate to the DJ's choices for the rest of the evening.

The next morning Diane left her power suit behind and became a Scottish Lass, with red plaid wrap-around skirt, matching red plaid vest, long sleeve black crew neck sweater and black hose and pumps.

After a continental breakfast which was furnished for the attendees, Desiree' opted to attend the 1997 SPICE Planning session. Diane remained to visit and make new friends. One couple, who were at their first convention, was Kristy and Teri. We got along famously and spent a lot of time together during the rest of the weekend. The time went quickly and it was time for the luncheon and Fashion show.

The food for the luncheon was delicious. The girls who modeled for the fashion show were lovely and the outfits were absolutely gorgeous. It was by far the best fashion show which I have attended at any crossdressers' event. Jane Ellen then presented the "Chapter of the Year" award.

The afternoon seminars included a "Wives and Partners Panel" with Dr Peggy Rudd and others, "Political Action" by Miranda of Chi Chapter, A dance class (featuring the Macarena) led by Amanda, and "Personal Safety".

The evening was chocked full of activities. The theme for the evening was "Puttin' on the Ritz" and baubles, bangles, beads and sequins were the order of the affair. I chose a floor length gown of emerald green sequins and gold sequined pumps. Desiree' selected a floor length white formal with a very full skirt, under which she wore a very full petticoat. She also had a new pair of heels for the evening. After descending in the elevator, we were again the center of attention as we made our way across the lobby. (One of the local high school classes were having their 25th year class reunion in the lobby of the hotel. Do you think that event may have turned out to be memorial?)

The first event of the evening for us was an actual marriage ceremony (of Candace and Dawn) and the concurrent renewal of vows of two other couples (Colleen and Verna, and Brenda and Beth). The brides were lovely for their walk down the aisle. This was the first wedding ceremony which I have witnessed in genderland where the bride (CD) took the walk down the aisle alone. The brides were met at the altar by the groom (GG) who was not also dressed as a bride.

After the recessional and congratulations, the entire group adjourned to the lobby area for a group picture. The photographer got us all arranged quickly and then the picture taking was over. This meal was also delicious and the conversation flowed freely.

Honey West (Chicago's Cabaret Entertainer of the Year" provided the evenings entertainment of a wide array of vocal selections.

Following dessert, the group photograph was back and available for viewing and purchase. The same photographer was also set up to shoot individuals (although delivery was to be in two weeks, not two hours.)

By this time socializing, dancing, and visiting was the order of the night. All too soon the clock struck twelve and many tired girls returned to their rooms to start packing for an early departure and to dream of the recent events. For the more hardy, there was a wet tee shirt contest scheduled for 3AM but I, personally, don't know if it actually occurred.

There was a "Farewell Breakfast Buffet" served from 9:30 to 11:30 on Sunday morning. We met more new people, including Karen and Nancy from Virginia, and Patrice and visited with other new friends recently made, and exchanged postal and email addresses.

The most priceless exchange of conversation of the whole weekend occurred at the Farewell Breakfast. The people at our table were talking when Patrice shared with us an event which occurred during her school days. She said that she had gone to an all catholic boys school on the west side of the river which, during her time there, had merged with an all girl catholic school which was located on the east side of the river. Apparently her records got mixed up during the consolidation and that is why she is now part girl and part boy!!!

All to soon, the time had run out and it was time to bid adieu.

I apologize to all of those I met but whose names I haven't mentioned. I remember all of you even if I don't remember your names. You see, as I approach senility (much closer than I care to admit), I suffer from CRS (Can't Remember S--- ). If you can overlook that deficiency and put up with me, I will treasure your friendship.

For those of you who are reading this chronicle but have never attended a convention such as this, I highly recommend it. You may have many cares and concerns, be quite shy, and have many other reasons for not attending. If you do come, you, most likely, will have to overcome many fears and WORK VERY HARD to meet other people. Do it! The rewards are greater that the cost of the effort expended. The others will help you and you will NEVER regret taking that step.