The Shopping Trip
by Diane Liegh

One day last month after "The Rose" had been put to bed, I called Alisa and asked if she was interested in going shopping in the near future. Her first question was something like, "You mean dressed?". Well why else would anyone want to go shopping? We set a date, which was a week or so away, chatted for a while longer and then hung up.

The next time I talked to Alisa, she told me that Mary Lee, Kimberly and Joan had all expressed an interest in going also. This wasn't a simple little shopping trip any more, it was a full-blown outing. The evening before the big event the list of participants had dwindled to Alisa, Kimberly and me. Now understand that during the time between when we had originally set the date and the actual date a few phone calls were made. On all outings, don't all the girls have to call each other to find out what everyone is going to wear? Heavens, we couldn't have our outfits clash! Don't they also have to discuss the list of possible visitation sites? Don't they have a million things to discuss? Well, they do and they did. Logistically, we decided that Kimberly would pick me up at 9AM and we would meet Alisa at a shoe store off of Preston Road between 10 and 10:30.

Diane, as punctual as she is, was dressed and ready at 8:45. As she was sitting waiting for Kimberly to arrive, the doorbell rang! Sneaking to the front door, she peeked through the security peephole expecting to find Kimberly's attractive face. IT WASN'T KIMBERLY! It was the neighbor from across the street. He may accidently have seen Diane leave the house on occasion but he sure was not going to meet her face to face right now. He finally gave up and left but I KNEW that as soon as Kimberly's car appeared in the driveway, he would return. How would we make our escape under his watchful eye? What to do?

Kimberly arrived shortly thereafter, and miracle of miracles, she wasn't en femme! After I got her safely into the house, I told her about the neighbor and that he would in all likelihood return. I had no sooner uttered the words than the doorbell chimed. Kimberly answered the door and the neighbor handed her the newspaper and left. What a time to become neighborly. Kimberly then told me that she had had to stop by her office and accomplish some things and would like to finish dressing at my house. I was overjoyed that she had stopped by the office and hadn't dressed before arriving and would just love to have her transform at my home.

She was perspiring in a manner unfit for any young damsel of her breeding so I scurried about getting fans to cool her down. As she was resting, I noticed her hose. One leg had a hole the size of the Grand Canyon and the other leg had a runner that looked like a marathon. I asked her what size she wore and offered her a pair of mine. Even though it was a tight fit, any proper young lady MUST have flawless hose. She finished getting dressed and we approached the front door for our getaway. Dear neighbor was now out in his driveway washing his car. We just marched out, got in the car and left. Neighbor has never mentioned it and neither have I.

We had a leisurely drive to north Dallas where we had agreed to meet Alisa. We didn't see her car so we sat in the car and waited. After about 15 minutes, Kimberly saw a car that she thought was Alisa's, so we left the security of the car and headed for the store.

I have been out a few times and as I said in "The Incident at Piedra Falls", whenever Desiree' and I travel, Diane goes along. I don't know how many times Kimberly has been out but she appeared to be holding up very well. What was actually going on inside may have been a different story.

We found Alisa in the store, scouted around, found a very poor selection (above size 10) and left. Can you imagine a shoe store not carrying a large selection of sizes just for us? That store is not likely to see us again anytime soon. We left and decided to head for Valley View Mall, which was just across the street.

We just happened to park by an entrance to Dillard's that just happened to be the entrance to the misses dresses department. We looked around for awhile and there I came across a beautiful gown IN MY SIZE! Further looking turned up just a few other dresses that I wanted to try on. However, Alisa and Kimberly couldn't find anything they liked and were getting bored. They wanted to go to the lingerie department. We got directions and found that we were on the ground floor and lingerie was two levels up. We couldn't pass up a whole floor without looking, so we looked. I looked around, Alisa and Kimberly looked at jewelry (and everything else). Finally we made it to the lingerie department. Alisa's mission was to shop for - wait - can I say it? She wanted to shop for panties and garter belts. If you EVER want to go on an excursion, get Alisa and go shopping for panties. She was the hit of the lingerie department! The conversation between her and the saleslady about each of their preferences in lingerie were a hoot!

While all of this was going on, Kimberly kept her distance and very unobtrusively bought a nightie. As we were leaving the department, Kimberly appeared from between two clothing racks and joined us.

Now it was my turn. Back down to the misses dress department we went, snatched the dresses which I had previously located, found a saleslady, and told her that "I would like to try these items on". She led me right to the dressing room and said any booth would be ok. I took Alisa with me to help with zippers. Don't women always go into dressing rooms in pairs (or more)?. I got out of my dress and had just got this dream creation on and zipped when Alisa and I were both startled by a scream and then hysterical crying as some female rushed out of the dressing area.

Alisa and I were together and were closed into a dressing stall. We had no idea of what was going on. But imagine Kimberly's horror to be standing outside the dressing area, hear a loud scream and then see a female run out of the dressing area. It is absolutely amazing the she neither fainted on the spot nor immediately raced for the safety of her car. She later related some of the thoughts which raced through her head. I couldn't possibly do justice to those thoughts by re-telling them, so if you are interested, ask Kimberly. When Alisa and I finally appeared from the dressing area, Kimberly was greatly relieved. Having had all of the excitement we needed for awhile, and having given everyone in Dillard's an amusing diversion, we continued our shopping trip.

The next stop was a nearby Service Merchandise where Alisa wanted to buy some film. We all entered the store and Kimberly and I looked around while Alisa made her purchases. It was getting late and we were getting hungry so lunch became the next item on the agenda. After much driving around and discussing the merits of many places and what kind of cuisine each of us desired, we settled on a nice little place near where we started. We sashayed in and were seated without a second glance. We ordered and spent a congenial 2 hours eating and visiting. By now it was 3pm. We had conquered worlds and it was time to return to that other life. Alisa was very disappointed that we were deserting her with so much time left in the day. I believe that we all made it home without anymore excitement.

If you have read this far and are wondering why I wrote this article, let me tell you. If you are reading this, unless you are a GG, you are probably a transgendered male. If that is the case, more than likely, you have fantasized about going out of your house dressed. If you have attended a club meeting, you have taken the first step. Use that step to develop friendships, seek advice and seek support. There is someone in the club who will help you expand your horizons. Expanding YOUR horizons is both scary and exhilarating. Don't allow ANYONE to push you into something which you don't want to do or for which you are not ready. BUT, the first time you attempt anything, it is scary. Don't commit yourself to a life in a closet because of fear of the light.