1996 Texas "T" Party
by Diane Liegh

There are a lot of opportunities for people in the transgendered community to grow in skills and comfort. One of the ways to do this is to attend a transgendered event (convention). I have been to three Texas "T" parties and the comments which I make in this article are strictly my opinion.

I have always been rather reserved in public places. I am much happier in small groups than in crowds. I have also had trouble making "small talk". My spouse often tells me that when I change into Diane, I also change some character traits. I decided to try to take advantage of that an become more outgoing at this year's "T".

I arrived early Tuesday morning when there were few people there. The crush of registration had not begun and the people who were there were relatively relaxed. I volunteered my services for anything that needed to be done, but my offer was declined. That left basically nothing to do but wander around and meet people.

One of the first people with whom I visited was our own Tommie. She had arrived before me and became a fixture in the registration room. I'm sure almost everyone saw her when they registered. She had a great time working the tag sale and needling the strange people who kept walking past the door and peeking in.

I also met Dianna, the spouse of Bitchin' Bonnie. We discover a mutual love of Colorado and I hope to visit her up there.

I had a luncheon date with one of our brand new members and asked Tommie, Dianna and a couple of other new acquaintances to join us. The new member (name omitted for personal reasons) was able to relax and enjoy the occasion. This was her first foray into the "Transgender Community". Because she knew me and was in a small group, she felt free to ask questions and learn.

I have an excellent memory -- it's just very, very, short. I don't remember what happened the rest of the afternoon although I vaguely remember visiting in the hospitality suite.

Wednesday was more of the same. I was able to help a lot of people because I could give directions to the local malls and stores. I met Maggie and her entourage. When I told her that they had the choice of shopping at Valley View, North park, The Galleria or a couple of other malls, she couldn't believe it. Their first shopping trip was to the Galleria and she later told me that in three hours they didn't get past Macy's. On Saturday she confided that she guessed that she was born to be a cross dresser's wife.

Thursday and Friday were filled with more new acquaintances and attending seminars. There were several seminars for GG's (genetic girls) so they have something to do. I couldn't get past the door (failed the physical) so I have no idea what went on. Why do you think that they were all giggling when they came out of the seminar?

I met and visited with Michelle from Idaho, Lori from Los Angeles and several others. My spouse and I attended both the Thursday and Friday luncheons and Fashion Shows. The meal servings were huge and the fashion shows were interesting.

Getting all "Dolled Up" is one of the reasons for attending and Friday and Saturday nights provide the opportunity. You almost had to wear sunglasses there were so may sparkles and spangles and glitters. The dancing Friday night was great but I didn't hear any waltzes -- am I dating myself?

I made the effort to make face to face contacts and ask questions and relate to individuals and had a GREAT time. You can too. It is well worth the effort.