Sacramento Gender Association Oct 95


In a recent test, fully 100% of the men so far have admitted to wanting to wear women's clothing. Is that spectacular or what? Working men I might add. Serious deer chasing, truck driving, beer drinking macho men. Hell, I could stop now and win an award but I've also discovered that 100% of the women I've begun to survey also would like to wear men's clothes on occasion. What blows me away is how this compares to all those other estimates that Say it's only 3-10%. Bunk!

OK, I didn't run out and begin doing this on purpose it just began to happen. Actually, I was defending my position with a group of oil stained mechanics. Real men. Self proclaimed men who are the backbone of our maintenance department where I work. One once asked: "Hey, I hear you wear a dress! So, you gay or what?" My answer about being real happy didn't go well and my attempt to explain was like talking a hungry gorilla into sharing his banana with me.

Actually what got me into this was an invitation to join them for lunch. Right, I thought. I'm going to go out at lunch time and sit around with seven men who really want to know about crossdressing. I don't think so.

But then I got an idea. Why not take the offensive. Hell, there's only going to be seven of them. 7 to 1, that's good odds. I was beginning to feel sorry for them. I worked a plan out, called my wife, told her of it and to bring my weapons when she brought my lunch. I doctored up a folder which now had: "GENDER ORIENTATION PROPENSITY" written across the front of it. Next I drafted a quick overview as a precursor to questions I would pose. To qualify my efforts as a true scientific work I should note here that I did this over a 15 minute break. When lunch time came I girded myself and walked into the cafeteria, smiled and sat down at their table.

"Hey guys, what's happening? So you want to ask me some question about crossdressing. Is that right?" I said loud enough that most of the cafeteria was now silent as I sat down. Mark, the leader, said: "Hey, we want to know what you are?" I smiled and said: "This is really great. I've been waiting for an opportunity like this. Actually, Mark:, you've seemed to be the most interested in it" (Always shoot the leader first). So, which of you beside Mark here, is interested in gay men or guys that wear dresses?" With the "GAY" word used the last of the eating sounds subsided. I now had them completely surrounded.

I removed the folder from my bag I carry and sat it in front of me. I then removed the portable blood pressure tester my wife had added. They were watching intently as were a number of other people as I began ripping small bits of paper up and writing numbers on them. Nothing was said except: "What are you doing?" I said: "Just give me a moment and you'll have every question answered." I had them then pick the numbers from my cowboy hat which I thought was fitting and then told them what I was planning to do.

"OK, I've been asked to do some research for a group called the Sacramento Gender Association. It's sort of a field study to identify men who like wearing women's clothing. As you all know, some men only have thought about wearing girl's clothes while others have actually tried them on. There are even men who dress up as women and go out like that. The call this" "Gender Orientation Propensity or GOP. I paused, opened the folder and took out the hand written questions and a note pad.

They watched intently. I really love diddling with macho men. The ones that had been leaning towards me in that classic masculine pose of dominance suddenly began to drop their shoulders. A couple even slipped back a bit. I began again; "Now what I'd like to do is start with number one and ask some questions. I'll be asking about half a dozen of them while you've got you finger in that machine there. When you've answered I'll record the display number along with your answers. OK so far? Pretty simple really.

Now who has number one?" Of course Mark asked: "What kind of questions?" Gotcha I thought and said: "Oh just some basics: "Have you ever worn girl's panties? Does the thought of wearing them turn you on? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a women? It's your basic "Gender Orientation Propensity" stuff. They use it in the bay area. SGA got real excited when they found out I'd be able to get some macho guys up here to take the test.

What happened? You've already guessed! Nothing. Not one took the test. I slid the blood pressure machine purposely to each. Each either pushed it back or folded their arms (I love that pose). I picked up the folder saying: "Gee guys, it ain't like I'm trying to get you into girls clothes or anything. I mean where's the harm? Your all macho and it's pretty obvious none of you would ever consider such a thing. Right? Now, come on, who's got number one?" Lunch got real quiet. But it was too late.

They had taken the test and failed. I asked one last question that went unanswered: "At least tell me which question scares you the most?

That was about four weeks ago. Today? Sometimes one forgets and tosses out a comment. I just smile, grab a piece of paper and ask: "Hey, ain't you one of those guys that wouldn't take the test?" It's a pretty effective tool. As I said in the beginning I've successfully had 100% non-participation. 100% so far have a little something to hide. So, what am I? Just call me Linda Lee, a little reflection of you! Don't think so? That's cool, then how about taking my little test?

Linda Lee