The Kindest Cut of All.

"Now, Mrs Selkirk, everything seems fine", the Selkirk family doctor said. "It seems from all the tests, that your headaches are mainly caused by a reaction to the pill, which has built up gradually over the years. I would recommend that you stop taking it immediately. Ms Selkirk was stunned by the news. "Doctor, I'm only 4l, and I don't want any more children now that both the kids hove moved away. I can't use condoms, and Alec and I have a pretty good sex life, so I need to have some sort of control!" Sandra, Mrs Selkirk, also felt that having a pretty good sex-life, coupled with her exercising helped her keep her figure, which she was sure kept Alec interested in her.

After a few moments of thought the doctor asked her if Alec would consider a vasectomy. "This reaction to the pill isn't going to go away with just a couple of month's abstinence. Sandra thought about this for a while. They had talked about it a couple of years before, but Alec had been very reluctant to go ahead with the 'cut' especially as a friend had suffered some complications, and also as the op was basically irreversible. Now she was going to ask him again, albeit for a different reason, this being her health.

Sandra explained this to the doctor, who was still studying the file of the family he had in front of him. "Is Alec still cross-dressing, "he asked "Yes" replied Sandra, who had been counseled by the same doctor some ten years previously, when she had first discovered Alec's secret cache of clothes, 'and thanks to your help we have enjoyed ten years of fun with an extra twist. I think it really helps Alec recover from the stress of the office, and we have both enjoyed our special times together. He's really very attractive when he's dressed and when we go out together it's almost like two sisters. It was funny last weekend, Alec was dressed, and we started to play around a bit in bed, and Alec's boobs fell off. It was quite funny, but poor Alec was so embarrassed, it spoilt the whole evening for him.

The doctor looked at her thoughtfully. "Why don't you read this information, and then let me know if you think it would help you both." He talked a bit more and Sandra became quite excited at the idea being proposed. However, she first had to talk to Alec about having a vasectomy. That evening they talked long and late about the operation, and Sandra explained about new techniques that minimized complications, that the possibility of reversal was much higher if necessary.

The following evening, Sandra and Alec went to see their doctor. He explained how the new treatment, involving the use of skin absorption patches, worked, and how in the doctor's opinion it was the best solution to Sandra's health problems. Eventually Alec agreed, and signed the forms required to allow the operation to proceed. It was scheduled for the following Friday morning. The doctor placed the patches under Alec's armpits and on his hips, ready for the operation.

The anesthetist came into Alec's room early on the Friday morning to check the various details on the forms Alec had signed. "I thought a local anesthetic was normal for a vasectomy," queried Alec. "It is normally," replied the anesthetist, "but you're having the new procedure, which for the time being requires a general. These new patches work wonders. We'll replace these with new ones during the operation, and they'll stay on for about a week. You're wife tells me you're having a bit of a second honeymoon next week. Well, you'll be as right as rain by then, and should be able to fully enjoy it." "I hope so,' said Alec as he was given his pre-op injection. He felt very drowsy soon afterwards and dozed off.

The afternoon sun was shining into the room when he woke, and Sandra was sitting beside the bed. When she noticed he was awake she gave him a big smile, and leant over to kiss him. "How do you feel darling," she asked. "Pretty stiff and sore." replied Alec. "I hope it wears off soon. Hope those patches work!" "So do I", smiled Sandra.

When Sandra arrived at the hospital the next day, Alec was dressed and ready to go. He was still a bit sore especially where it counted, but he still felt much improved over the previous evening. Over the next few days he took things easy, and the soreness and stiffness eased off.

On the Wednesday when they were to set off for their holiday Alec felt 100% physically, but was having a Few. thoughts about what he might have lost. He wasn't worried about not being able to have kids, but he was a bit concerned about his physical relationship with Sandra. As soon as the car was packed they set off for their rented cottage on the North coast, arriving there about mid-afternoon. They unpacked as quickly as possible, then went for a swim in the beautifully refreshing ocean just yards from their gate. They sun-baked for a while, and after shyly looking around, Sandra slipped her swim-suit off. Alec was used to that, but he was very relieved at the reaction he had to the sight. Maybe things were going to be o.k. He reached under his armpit to feel the patch, but Sandra's long fingers held his hand. "Leave them for now, I'll take them off for you after dinner."

Dinner that first night was a barbecue on the patio, and although they often had them at home, under the blazing stars, surrounded by a velvet night, it was really something special. When they had finished, and were lying back enjoying a drink Sandra suggested to Alec that he go and get properly dressed! For a moment Alec didn't understand, but realization dawned quickly, and after giving Sandra a great hug, he rushed into the bedroom. By the time he returned, Sandra had tidied up, put the dishes into the dishwasher, and had poured a couple of glasses of wine.

"You really do look attractive as a woman," commented Sandra, "I'm glad you're my best friend as a girl too!"

After a few more drinks, they decided it was time for bed. They were both feeling pleasantly tired, although only Sandra knew that sleep would soon be out of the question. She told Alec to lie face own on the bed, while she took off the patches. It seemed to take a while before she was ready to attend to the first patch, and when Alec looked round he saw that the delay had been Sandra, changed a white satin negligee, which concealed everything. but hid nothing. She explained that she had to use a special instrument to remove the patches, and that it might take her a little time. As she did the hip patches, Alec felt pressure building up, not uncomfortably, but definitely there. He mentioned this to Sandra who explained that this was normal. Alec sort of blinked, mentally anyway, but by this time Sandra was doing his underarm patches. She was a little more adept at doing it, and Alec felt the same pressure in his chest, both sides almost simultaneously. "Now just close your eyes, and don't move", she said. "I'm too old for children's games." Alec grumbled, but he did as he was told. Sandra was back in a moment with a new set of bra and panties she had bought for Alec, silver satin and lace. Making sure that Alec was keeping his eyes shut, she quickly fitted them. Taking Alec to the wardrobe mirror she let him open his eyes. He couldn't believe what he saw! There in the mirror was, well himself, but with breasts, and rounded hips. He filled the bra beautifully, and as he touched the bra, he felt his breasts. They were real! With eyes full of amazement he turned to Sandra, "How did this happen?" "Do you like them?" Sandra asked. "Yes, oh yes, but..." "just get dressed, and I'll explain."

Alec just grabbed the first thing from his wardrobe, which was a satin dress which used to be quite loose. It wasn't loose any longer! It fitted the way it was supposed to, clinging to curves which were at last in the right places. He just couldn't believe how he felt.

Sandra was feeling very relieved, as she had been wondering how Alec was going to react, but together with her relief was a growing sense of pleasure at seeing Alec's enjoyment. She managed to get him to sit beside her while she explained.

I knew how difficult it was for you to agree to having the vasectomy, and as I was talking with the doctor, he told me about a new method of breast augmentation which had been developed after the troubles with silicone implants. While you were having the operation four balloons were inserted, two in the chest, and two in your hips. These each have a little valve which allow an inert liquid which reacts to your body heat and expands to a gel. The balloons are shaped so that as the gel fills them, they take the shape of a breast or hip.

"But will I stay this way forever?" Alec was a bit concerned.

"No," replied Sandra, "there's a chemical I can inject which will return the gel to a liquid long enough for me to extract it with a syringe, and you will be back to normal. Do you want me to show you?" "Not at the moment, thank-you, I think I'll just enjoy this feeling For a while!" "Well I'm glad of that , "said Sandra, "for I left the reagent at home. You'll be staying like this until then."

Alec and Sandra talked for quite a long time, until Alison, for that was now the name he was to be known as until he was back to normal, changed into a nightie and they went to bed.

When they awoke in the morning, Sandra gave Alison a kiss, and suggested that they go for a walk along the beach. Alison slipped a tie-front blouse on, with some denim shorts, as well as her wig, and they set off. She had forgotten to put on her bra; it wasn't something she normally reached for first thing in the morning, but the feel of her breasts was quite exciting, until Sandra challenged her to a race which, after the first few paces, proved to Alison that a bra in fact was essential.

For the rest of the holiday Sandra and Allison did everything together as sisters, whether it be shopping, dining out, being tourists, swimming etc. Sandra would do most of the talking, but Alison kept growing in confidence and when Sandra asked her to drive into town and do some shopping, she was able to agree with only a couple of nervous swallows.

Coming back from the town Alison's heart nearly stopped when she crested a hill to see a random breath testing station, but she managed to speak almost normally, and received courteous thanks, and continued on her way. As he told Sandra about it, they both fell into a fit of giggles.

For their last dinner of the holiday, they decided to go to the best restaurant in the local club, and stay to see the show. It had to be a dress up night, of course, and both Sandra and Alison dressed up to the nines to go out. The dinner was a huge success, in spite of a quite definite male "oh's...' when Alison spilt a little wine, which nearly caused Sandra to have kittens as she giggled. The show was also great fun, and indeed, when the girls, for that was the way they referred to themselves by now, got home, they couldn't remember having had a better night out for ages.

Next day, after having had their last walk on the beach, they packed up, and closed down the cottage. Alison was going to stay until they got home, although she was just a little worried about the neighbors. Sandra said that she would handle that if it became necessary so off the two girls drove. The trip home was almost uneventful, except that Alison nearly went into the gents toilet at a service station, much to the consternation of a small boy just coming out. However Alison just smiled and went into the ladies. The rest of the trip was uneventful, and the girls reached home safely.

After having showered and had a late dinner, the time came for Alison to revert to Alec. It didn't take very long, and as Alec touched where he had been 'filled' he felt a touch of regret. But that quickly disappeared when he realized that this could happen again whenever he wanted it to, and that he had a wife who was helping to make their life together even more remarkable. And so thinking, he went off to find her.

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