By Donna

From the IXE (Indianapolis) Newsletter

I am a crossdresser. This means that I wear articles of clothing intended for members of the opposite sex: panties, bras, slips, camisoles, dresses, skirts, pants, blouses, skirts, sweaters, pantyhose, pumps and boots. I choose the term crossdresser over transvestite because, although there is a sexual component to my dressing, at this point in my life, it is really more an integral part of my persona than something I do for thrills. The many and varied reasons for this can be reduced down to a prime motivating factor: It gives me a more complete sense of self (Don�t get me wrong, there is a definite sensual aspect to cross-dressing. I like the way women�s clothes feel: a flowing skirt against stockinged legs, a silk blouse.., it�s very sensual. Let�s be real, men�s clothing just isn�t sensual. Functional? Yes. Comfortable? Usually. Sensual? Hardly! But I digress...) Men�s clothing is pretty boring: pants and a shirt, and for business - a suit. The stereotypical business attire: blue suit, white shirt, red tie and black wing tips, and if it�s raining- a tan trench coat. It looks like a bunch clones walking down the street. Women, on the other hand, have a flexibility in dressing of which, to be honest, I am quite envious. With choices of fabrics, color, style and accessories, women 's clothing is just more fun. It allows a freedom of self expression men just do not have. My crossdressing, to whatever extent it may be, helps fill that void.

There is nothing inherently male or female about any one article of clothing. The design of a piece of clothing may favor one or the other (a bra definitely fits a woman belier than a man) but it remains nothing more than a specific configuration of cloth, metal, plastic, etc. As a culture, we have chosen to associate certain types and styles of clothing with either men or women.

Men used to wear tunics with tights, knickers, ruffled shirts, wigs, heels... the list goes on and on. Try putting on a tunic length top and leggings today... You get the idea. Interestingly though, items such as sarongs and kilts are all right, (in certain settings.) Prince Charles has appeared on TV (how appropriate) sporting his kilt while out with his sons.

Women crossdress all the time. They buy men�s jeans, shirts and sneakers... even underwear, and they do it without shame or ridicule. In fact, the female crossdresser is considered fashionable. I have read many articles in fashion magazines about how to liven up ones wardrobe by borrowing clothes from your boy friend, husband, etc. Women�s fashions have even copied men�s: tuxedo shirts and jackets, boxer shorts, and sport coats are just a few items that have been feminized. It seems clear that women wearing men�s clothing (female crossdressing) is socially acceptable.

Men, on the other hand, do not have this freedom. The wearing clothing associated with women is frowned upon by society. Men wearing women�s clothing is not socially acceptable and the male crossdresser opens himself to scorn and ridicule almost beyond belief We are tagged as freaks and misfits: deviants to be avoided. It is immediately assumed that we are either gay (not to insinuate that any of the above labels apply to either the gay or transgendered community as a whole), which is false more times than not, or that we are just mentally disturbed.

The repression feelings is not a good thing, and women who want to express their masculine side are, in general, encouraged to do so. Society as a whole has no problem with women exploring the stereotypically masculine world. Men, on the other hand, are not supposed to have a feminine side. Any man who show interest in stereotypically feminine interests runs the risk of being pigeonholed as above.

Male crossdressers tend to have a strong feminine side that wants, no, needs to express itself. Whether crossdressed or not, this feminine side is still there, fighting to be heard; although society would rather that it not exist at all.

Can you say Double Standard? Welcome to the life of a crossdresser.

The simple fact is that the majority of male crossdressers are really no different than any other men. They work, have families and basically live like everyone else except they like women�s clothes.

Ah, I can hear it now �That�s not like everyone else!� Allow me to ask, �How do you know?� Many crossdressers never venture into public. Some who do are better looking than some real women are! Many wear women' s underwear on a regular basis. The fact is, if no one told you, you would probably never know. He could be anyone: a drinking buddy, an employee or even your boss. Anyone, put under close enough scrutiny, would probably reveal something, which could be construed as not fitting in with the societal norm. Yet, we all go about our business not really thinking twice about the person next to us. We are all different, and at the same time similar. The diversity of Mankind is something as yet unsurpassed in the animal kingdom, and is something to be embraced and celebrated. It is our differences which define us, not our similarities.

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Nowhere is this more true than in the case of the male crossdresser. We are so much more than what we wear.

It has taken me a long time become comfortable with who I am. I am a crossdresser. And even with all the baggage that comes along with that statement, I wouldn�t want change who I am for anything.



Cactus Flower June 98