Welcome to Doron & Ilan's Fun Page
On this page you can find all kinds of fun stuff we've been up to.

The pink film club



Java Tic-Tac-Toe


The Pink Film Club was established in 1998 by Assaf Gil and Yoram Mandel - film and television producers who set a goal: to increase awareness and exposure of the Israeli public to quality films about gays and lesbians. The club enjoys the support of the Tel Aviv Municipality . The club screens on a monthly basis at the Tel Aviv, Haifa and Jerusalem cinemateques. Most of the movies are being shown for the first time in Israel.
Some of the films we saw and liked:
Relax it's just sex
All over me
Love is the Devil
Dakan - an amazing film made in GUINEA -1997

Visit the Pink Film Club website (Hebrew and English versions) at:

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Every now and then we come across a nice recipe, or we improvise and it comes out great, so we decided to share our knowledge with you.

The first recipe will be a very simple yet great soup we've been eating this winter.
A Great Vegetable Soup
  • 1 carrot 
  • 1 piece of pumpkin 
  • 1 large onion - chopped 
  • 2 potatoes
  • 2 squashes
  • 2/3 cup lentils
  • 1/2 cauliflower 
  • and practically, every other vegetable you have and like.
  • Now the important thing about it is the spices! 
    use the following: 
  • 2 tsp. Cumin
  • 1/2 tsp. Cinnamon
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • a little clove
  • salt & pepper
  • Fry the onion add the spices, fry for a little longer. add all the vegetables, stir fry for a few minutes, so that the vegetables will absorb the flavors. Add water, and cook for 40 minutes. 

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    We'd like to recommend to you the Amal Murkus CD.

    We bought it, and although it's all in Arabic, and we aren't really used to listening to arabic music, we fell totally and absolutely in love with the song and the singing. We went to see her in a live concert and were enchanted by her voice, and charming personality.
    Amal sings song from Firuz, Marcel Khalifa, Nizar Zriek (her husband) etc.
    If you you have a real player G2 you can listen to the first song of this album. All you have to do is click here If you don't have a G2 player, you can downlowd it for free at: The RealNetworks website If you still haven't got this CD,
    RUN and buy it now !

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