"Do as ye will, lest none it harm...." The Wiccan Rede

This page is in loving honor of Matthew Sheppard a young man whose life came and went all too soon. May the Angels above bring you comfort and peace away from this world of hate, ignorance, greed and violence. For once we pass through the guarded gates we are all the same there is no more pain or sorrow, no reason to hide or live life in fear.

I can't sit here in East Texas and profess to knowing Matthew personally but I can say that the violence in Wyoming was unjustified. Today I wore a yellow ribbon to work as many do when someone dies and it leaves a pain in their heart. I wore my ribbon next to my heart where Matthew now lies. My boss asked me why the yellow ribbon and I told him it was in rememberence of Matthew. He then proceeded to ask me to remove it and how it would be unfair for someone to wear a symbol of Malcom X to work. I removed my headset and told him that I was leaving in defense of my firm belief. I never knew I signed away my right to be a human and to feel sorrow. I never knew that a need to work required one to give up their first Amendment right.

To Matthew's family...my condolences on your loss. I pray that justice prevails and Matthew's killers are handled in a swift and just manner. I pray you find strength and hope from those around you ...I know it has to be the most devasting thing in the world to lose a child but no parent should have to lose a child the way you did.

To those who knew and loved Matthew...be strong and stand for what you believe in. Matthew stood for what he felt was right and that was being honest and open with his life. Talk about and let others know what they missed by not knowing your friend.

My prayer for society...Open your eyes,educate yourself and most of all educate our youth with morals greater than those you were raised with. No more violence, no more anger and no more hatred. As the talented Paula Cole sings "...time to let those feelings go...hatred only kills the soul". Look how far we as a Nation have come, look into your life the homosexual is here and in some I am sure we have touched your life in a positive manner.

To the Christian Coalition and the churches who put us to shame...next time you look at you congregation think about how many lifes you truly know nothing about. God, may have created Adam and Eve but they like us were not perfect.Adan taught our men that they have the ability to chose and Adam passed up Lilith for Eve. Eve taught us as women a lesson to be strong and to goforth from her sin in the Garden. Put away the bible and all your "holier than thou" ideas and take time to read and study. Who is to say that we as a society are not being new lessons to learn. Love does not discriminate...neither should you.

I can't sit here and not want to cry in creating this page ...this is something I never thought I would sit and do over someone I don't know but to be honest this has touched me in a way so deep that words will never express how I feel. I just pray that we can overcome all our differences and go on with life in a manner less degrading to one cause he stands outside the fire.

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"The world is a coloring book and I am one of the many colors that paint the picture only sometimes I fade outside the lines."

~Zia MiChelle~

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