Welcome to Stang's Domain

A place with more honesty than most like

advice for those cosidering leaving the closet.
24 Tips for coming out
A humerous view of this process, laced with sound advice.

Safer SEX
Deal with it, its A new Century and sex kills.
once upon a time sex was safe and motorcycles weren't.
This is no longer the case, To say they have a body to die for has taken on new meaning.

Minimum Requirement for sex outside of Cyberspace.

-Condom- -Common Sense- -Consent-

Lack any of these forget it put it away and go home.

Stang's Great Equalizer

I beleive we are all created, now dont start laughting yet.
I know I appear to be full of myself. I even had someone in chat ask me if I was really that egotistical.Stang may appears to have it all together, everything under control. Well guess what he dosent. For every gift you have you also get an equal and opposite handicap. Ponyboy for example is the brightest kid I know. He will some day save the world. His equalizer is his health. He is a bleeder, and stupid stuff could kill him. like a pop in the nose could be fatal. Stang is big, fast and has some good looks. HIS great equalizer is a nervous disorder that gives him Tourettes, Stang cant control his face at times. If your chatting and he looses track, better beleive he is spazzing again and cant focus on the screen.

Some people tend to focus on thier GIFTS, that promotes good self image. Too much of that is a bad thing and EGO starts to take over.

Others focus on thier EQUALIZERS, that promotes low self esteme and in extreme cases loathing.

Get the balance right.

Remember this always
we all bring something to the game.
Everyone is allowed to Play
The only rule is play Fair.

One more thing. Stang drives a 1996 mustang convertable, it wasnt just given to him.
Hell if he could he would trade all he has for the way things were.
See Stang and Ponyboy lost the only uncle they had. Stang got a bitchin car, Pony got a mega PC.
Both lost the best friend and closest thing to a father they ever had.
Sorta a sucky trade off. Again, be careful what you wish for, and never envy anyone. there is always more to a story than is known.

I am a boy who has on occasion had a boyF. I was born this way, it wasn't my mother or my environment. I do believe that it can be tracked to a DNA level. Much like hair color and Height is. I hated myself because i was different. Then I realized on the sixty day, God saw what he had done and it was Good. So, Ha, I cant be bad.

In my country we are allowed freedom of religion, I have read and studied many besides my own. and with every text I view one thing remains true. I think "Bill and Ted" said it best when they remarked "Be excellent to everyone". I realize this may upset some, so what. Like I care. Even W.C. Fields comedian of the early century, and devout agnostic had this to say on his death bed, "hand me that thing, I wanna look for loopholes" speaking of course of a bedside bible. I am not a bible thumper, I do however believe in every ones right to worship in their own manner. Enough on that.

I dont like Sen. Jesse Helms, and if your anything besides 100% str8 you shouldnt either. This individual has done more damage to the rights of Homosexual America than any other collection of individuals. I do not buy Levi Jeans because they have repeated supported this individuals return to office. Beyond that I find politics to be as personal as religion, your affiliations your choice. I do however draw a line when individuals who didn't take time to vote, find time to complain about the state of the union. Oh and one last thing if you are old enough to vote dont split your ticket it weakens your sides ability to accomplish anything meaningful. I am now going to put the soapbox away.

Height = 6ft even
Weight = 200lbs w/ 8% bodyfat
Hair = Black
Style = Flattop
Eyes = Blue (dangerous)
BirthDate = 19AUG79, Ponyboy was always jeolous of my Birthday, seems I share a date with Gene Rodenbery Mastermind behind the Trek legacy and Johnathan Frakes, who played Will Riker, First Officer of the Enterprize on The Next Generation. I did not notice this cause im on a Star Trek Fan. But Ponyboy sure did. LOL
the rest is better than average.

What Kind of Name is Stangston

Its Italian, I often joke in chat that Grandpa Lost an I at Ellis Island. It is a true pun. Prior to his immigration the name was Stangstoni. He dropped the "I" to fit in better in his new country. Grandpa was lost during Korea. My Uncle died in Nam. And my father Lt. Commander Stangston Senior is MIA since I was 13. All NAVY men. Dad didnt disappear in the Line of duty. He divorced mom 8 years ago. After college I might join, if they get over this "dont ask, dont tell", phase they are currently stuck in. Being a navy brat I have been all over.

Of course I list all pages i find really worthy.

Disclaimer, all links with skulls infront and behind are not intended for mass consumption.
Enter the twisted mind of Stangston

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Master and Servant by D|E|P|E|C|H|E M|O|D|E is playing in the background.


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