Care and Feeding of your BoundBOY

Sven receved this excllent advice from a Friend, with his permission, it now appears on our site. This is good stuff If your considering the same things Stang and I are.

Hi Guys,
You guys are real lucky to have found each other. Sven by now you have probably realized that pain is among the most sensual things that Stang can experience. It seems that some guys are just "wired" that way. In a very real way it is a gift (no bullshit) - he responds to a variety of sensations that would be a real turn off to some other guys. Sven, isn't great to feel, hear and see him respond to your efforts?
One of the things you'll both want to explore is what works and what doesn't. Some guys get off on being tickled until they are about to go mad - for others it is real torture. Ass play is an obvious turn on for Stang as is tit work. A good master identifies where the slave is in terms of "turn-ons" and works on expanding those so called limits. He also tries different approaches to expand the range of activities. That's why I refer to this as a gift - it certainly expands the range of sexual related stuff you can do!!!
But remember Sven, you don't have to try everything new at once!! Stay within your own comfort zone.
A good master is a sensitive lover - the best are incredibly empathetic- they pay lots of attention to their boy and his responses. I have a friend - he's a real sensitive individual. He left vet med because he couldn't bring himself to put down animals - his sensitivity on the other hand makes him an incredibly effective spanker (he's really into spanking guy's asses). He's not cruel or vicious - but that same sensitivity makes him a real artist at working on a guy's poor exposed ass!! Sven I would invite you to think about what you need out of your sex play with Stang. What turns you on? In the long run this will work out best if overall both of your sexual needs are met. There's no reason why you guys can't do the more "usual things" in addition to "rough sex" sessions.

Some quick basics:
Stop words - signals - The boy needs to have a way of signalling when there is a serious problem and the action needs to stop - serious problems would include: cramping, problems breathing (why I don't like gags), the action is genuienly torture as opposed to a turn on. Circulation - Stang needs to be restrained, but this needs to be done safely.
Wish you guys could get a hold of copies of the mag Bound and Gagged - lots of ideas and a real emphasis on safety.

- Sven you always need to be prepared to get stang free in case something goes wrong. For rope, tape, cloth, etc. I keep a pair of really sharp "bandage sissors" handy. They are relatively safe (blunt points). Before using a new restraint method - I check out how effectively I can cut or otherwise release my "victim."Restraint methods -

- great if of high quality. There are lots of them that are cheap junk. They can jam and require cutting off - High quality ones can cost $40 and up. The better quality ones are available in police supply stores and shops that serve folks into leather.
In some jurisdictions (e.g., Washington D. C.) they are considered weapons. Also your in deep shit if they are in your carryon luggage if you travel by commercial airline. using cuffs - Handcuffs are designed so the they are self tightening. The problem is they don't know where to stop!! They have a double locking feature (normally this involves inserting a pin into a hole to engage the double lock). This prevents them from tightening further. If you get a pair, practice practice practice before using them for real.

Padded leather wrist or ankle cuffs
- These are the greatest!!! But tend to be expensive. You can restrain a boy and not have to worry. Let's you focus on more fun things!!!

Cotton clothsline (not plastic)
- works great. Doesn't cut the skin as plastic rope can - cheap and easily available - works better if you rinse or wash it to remove the starch which it contains when new.

Strips of cloth (ripped up bed sheet)
- really nice!! When folded to 1-2" wide reduces circulation risks.

Athletic Tape
- (always in my travel kit) Great except for hairy guys. Helpful to wrap prior to using with hairy guys.

Blind folds
- Stang doesn't need to see what's going on. Strip of cloth works well especially if you place tissue or cotton balls over they eyes first. Don't tie too tight or put pressure on the eye balls.

QUESTION SVEN: How are you tieing stang boy now?

Another reference: Larry Townsend's "Leatherman's Handbook" Larry is the "dean" of male S&M guys.

The biggest safety item really doesn't apply to you and Stang -

know who you're playing with.

Know them well enough so that you can be certain that you are not going to find yourself in a situation where you are at risk for life and limb!!

Know you guys want to share everything - but part of the turn on is when the "poor puppy stang" doesn't know what's coming. Nothing worse than an uppity slave boy. As master Sven can decide what he needs to share.Good luck guys and keep having fun!!!

Signed Carl


you let me violate you
you let me desacrate you
you let me penatrate you
you let me complicate you
help me
i broke apart my insides
help me 
i've got no soul to sell
help me
the only thing that works for me
help me get away from myself
i want to fuck you like an animal
i want to feel you from the inside
i want fo fuck you like an animal
my whole existence is flawed
you get me closer to god
you can have my isolation
you can have the hate that it brings
you can have my absence of faith
you can have my everything
help me
you tear down my reason
help me
it's your sex i can smell
help me
you make me perfect
help me become somebody else
i want to fuck you like an animal
i want to feel you from the inside
i want to fuck you like an animal
my whole existence is flawed
you get me closer to god
all through every forest
above the trees
within my stomach
scraped off my knees
i drink the honey
inside your hive
you are the reason
i stay alive

written, arranged, and 
performed by trent reznor
produced by flood and 
trent reznor

Trent Reznor,

He would make a great master has the looks the angst and lets face it the wardrobe. Many of his Videos deal with Bondage, some more graphically that others, "Happyness is Slavery" is down right scary. Closer, the song I have linked here, captures the feel of raw animal lust that a Master has for his best BoundBOY.
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