Mad Elaine, Queen of Dichotomy

or dyke-otomy, I dunno...

This page last updated March 31st, 1999
(I made the splash graphic teenier, so faster-loading. Sorry for being a 56K nerd.)

OK, this is all about me, me, me, the monomaniac. Actually I'm teaching myself how to write html coding, so that's the main purpose of this page. That, and yet another reason to spend hours with my friend, the computer.
Speaking of which, I finally got a new one (thanks to one very sweet ex-houseboy - yes, you!) which is much faster and if I can ever make it agree with my zip drive, I can get more files up here! (there's a few more on the pics page, but that's about it right now) Oh, and a new splash screen. (That's the "title page" that you get to first on a site.) I made mine look kinda naughty.

This joke is darn funny.

Zillions of Links
Go here to connect with my zillion links.

Funny Things
OK, here's something new again: a whole crapload of funny things.

Pics of Me and My Loved Ones
This page has pics of my Loved Ones, friends, and myself.

You have shared this odd little experience with other people.

Note: If you are Netword-enabled, just type "Elaine" into your browser window to get here again. Networds Site

Links to other sites on the Web

It's a Drag King Thing - Joe Craig's Drag Pages
Paronomasiacs Synonymous

If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate.

Oh, wait, I forgot the "Word From our Sponsor" thing.... I wonder if it comes in better colours?

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