How we got told by each of us

Jacy's Story...
Have you ever met someone and been so instantly comfortable that it felt like you have always known them? Well that is how it was when Dave, Evelyn and I finally got together. Let me back up just a bit and start at the beginning�we found each other on the internet. So yes, it does work :) We each had accounts on a matchmaker system and one day Dave and Evelyn sent me a message.
I was in Texas and they were married (22 years) and in Colorado. They said they were hesitant because of the distance, and they knew I was interested in meeting people in my area. We corresponded a bit and then the phone calls began. Many, many hours of phone calls. Combine this with many hours "talking" on the computer, both with and without a computer camera. Dave was very up front with their intentions from the beginning. "We are courting you", he said. And court they did�and won my heart. Then we started the traveling and visiting back and forth. We fell more deeply in love and decided we wanted to spend our lives together.
Okay, that is great. Now what? I lived in Texas and they lived in Colorado. Something had to be done about this. So I quit my job, sold my house, gave most of my "things" to my children and moved to Colorado where we intend to live happily ever after.
Of course, this really does simplify things tremendously. No one would think it was as easy as I am making it sound. And it wasn't. I was very involved in my local community and had good tenure at my job. But love is what it is all about.
One of the biggest problems we had was finding a minister to perform our Commitment Ceremony, but finally we did. And in April I moved to Colorado to begin my new life.
(Is the plural of spouse really spice?)
We have been blessed with having the support, if not the total understanding, of our families and friends. I would like to take this chance to publicly thank my dearest of friends for the wonderful support and encouragement they gave me and continue to give us: Karen & Barry, I love you dearly; Dennis, your support, advice, and help was invaluable; Jolinda & Dale, thank you for being there for me; Bob, thank you for just being you. You each know how much I love you. I wish y'all friends like these.

Dave's Story...
I am going to share my feelings about looking for someone to share our lives with, and how it finally came about. Ever since I was a teenager I felt that I wanted two women to love and share my life with. I found that when I have had two women I was just more complete. This is a dream that I thought would never come true.
Evelyn and I would meet people and things just never worked out. A few times it was close, but it never worked all the way out. Then a friend told us about a matchmaker system that dealt with people who were looking for something out of the norm. In July we checked it out and posted a bio on it with what we were looking for. We met some very nice people on it, but had resolved ourselves to never finding that someone special that we were looking for.
Then one day in early December we saw her bio and loved the picture she had posted, but in her bio she said she was looking for someone local. And we were not local. She was in Texas and we were in Colorado but thought, what the heck. And that was the best move we could have made. She read our bio and liked what she read. We started talking and found that we had a lot in common, and shared some of the same views and ideas, but not in all areas. We could learn and grow from, and with, each other.
Evelyn and I decided that we would take this to the next level and send her our phone number and if she was interested she could give us a call. It was not long and she called us. It was a short call but we all liked what we heard. After many hours on the phone and computer we knew we wanted to spend our lives together; but we still had not met. We set up a meeting in a neutral location so if things did not work everything would be ok and no one would feel any pressure. Things worked out great and we knew even more that we wanted to share our lives. So then it was time to talk to our kids about it, and see how they felt about it. They thought it was great and were all for it. Then it was just working things out, and in April we were married and Jacy moved up here and we have been happy sharing our lives and plan to for the rest of our lives.
The joy, the sharing, the feeling of completeness, it is all there and more than I could have ever expected.

Evelyn's Story...
Hi, I'm Evelyn. When Dave asked me to marry him in 1976; the first thing I said was, "I'm not sure you'd be happy with one female" (he enjoyed variety). He said, "Well, I'm not sure you wouldn't want to meet other guys" (I was a virgin). We agreed that we would be honest with each other and we would decide together on who, what, when, where, and how we'd open up our marriage.
Our first experiences involved each of us going after someone separately. Then Dave surprised me one year with a threesome (another guy). I didn't have much fun. I realized through my experimentation that I was REALLY interested in having sex with another female. So I surprised Dave with a threesome (another female). We had a lot of fun! Over the years we tried various things; swingers' clubs, swapping with other couples, women we'd meet�BUT this still wasn't what we wanted!
We realized we wanted another woman in our lives forever - not a fling. So the search was on for our life mate.
Personal ads turned out to be a flop and a waste of money. Next we turned to the Internet. After almost three years of meeting some very nice couples and a number of disappointments in our search - we were about to give up.
Then soon after Thanksgiving 1997 while Dave was cruising through the "people online" page in ALT.NET he came upon the photo and bio of Jacy. Dave called me over with excitement in his voice - I looked at the photo and immediately fell in love with Jacy's smile. Her smile just lit up the room and her bio was everything we were looking for in a relationship. However, there was one sentence in her bio that had us concerned - she was looking for couples in her local area. She lived near Austin, Texas and we live outside of Denver, Colorado. We debated if we should write her or not? Would she think we are idiots because we don't understand "local area"? I said write anyway�the worst that could happen is she doesn't respond. So we wrote her and she responded!
We wrote back and forth, talked on the phone for hours each day and sent gifts. I felt like we were "courting" Jacy and I was having a lot of fun with it and I know Dave was having fun, too. In February 1998, we all decided to meet in Lubbock, Texas - kind of a halfway point that's on mutual ground. We were going to meet her at the airport in Lubbock - I could not relax. I was pacing back & forth - would she like us? Would we like her? Deep in my heart I felt she was the one for us, but I was afraid that something would go wrong - just me and my nerves.
When Jacy came off the plane and I saw that big, bright smile - I just broke into a big smile myself and threw my arms around her like she was a long lost friend. Everything felt so right. The visit was so short and I cried when we had to depart at the airport.
We continued our long phone calls and even had cameras on our computers so we could see each other and meet each other's family and friends. We proposed to Jacy over the Internet and sent a photo of the ring. She said, "Yes". When Jacy visited us in Colorado in March, I dropped to my knee at the airport gate and did a "formal" proposal and put the ring on her finger. She was laughing so hard - she has a very contagious laugh and a beautiful smile.
We had our commitment ceremony on April 19, 1998 and honeymoon in Las Vegas. Jacy moved to Colorado the end of April.
Now I wake up every morning and thank God for the two wonderful people lying there in bed with me and know that it could never get any better than this.

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