you are unique and have your own identity and personality. While your roles may be different from those of others, but your main purpose is the same as that of others: to live your life fully and to make the best use of the sources and talent that you have...

(taken from "Islam the Natural Way, A. W. Hamid")

All praises and thanks are to Allah, the Lord of all that exists and peace be upon the Master of the Messengers, Muhammad SAW.

Islam is a heavenly system for all the dwellers of the earth. It is mighty treasure if only mankind realizes the autencity and truth of Islam.

Islam includes all aspects in life, from how one should govern a country to the way of entering a lavatory. from what to do before sleeping to what to do when one wakes up. from the prohibition of picking an unripe fruit to the invitation to remove sharp objects on the pathway. from how to live our live in this world for better life in hereafter, to meet Allah.

This homepage is to share little information on Islam.
The introduction to Islam is very good for those who are non muslim (or beginner) to learn about the religion. This site is in many languages including Japanese.

Islam is based on five principles. They are:

  1. to testify La ilaha illallah wa anna Muhammad-ur Rasul Allah (none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah)
  2. Perform As Salat
  3. to pay Zakat
  4. to observe Saum (fast) during the month of Ramadan
  5. to perform Hajj (pilgrimage to Makkah)

and must believe in the six articles of Faith:
  1. Allah
  2. His angels
  3. His Messengers
  4. His revealed Books
  5. the Day of Resurrection
  6. Al Qadar (devine preordainments i.e. whatever Allah has ordained must come to pass)

Qur'an and Hadith are the Islamic way of life. it is very hard to understand Qur'an and Hadist, especially for those whose mother tongue are not arabic. There is certain condition for one to be able to interpret the Qur'an. The easy way is to read the interpretation that has been done by some Muslim. There are some books available on the net. click here.
Ahadith are the sayings, deeds and approvals accurately narrated from the Prophet SAW. They give information on how a Muslim practices Islam. It is therefore to say that the role model of a Muslim must be the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

There are some useful sites on Islam:
Islamic garden
Be convinced site
Harun Yahya page. Is indeed a very interesting site containing logically-explained articles in relation to Islam. It has good diagramatic and graphical explanation.
If you have any questions regarding Islam, visit Questions and Answers
If you are a Christian, I strongly suggest you to open this site: Muslim Christian dialog. I find this very informative.

Here are short articles I wrote:
two ways. It's about good and evil.
happiness. Are you happy?
face. Your face can effect others.
Al Qur'an to guide you in life.

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