Pedro's Memorial Page 3

In Loving Memory

Pedro was diagnosed with AIDS in April of 1996.
Little did we know that he had been infected for years. By the time we found out he was sick it was full blown, T-Cell count was only 32. Because it was so late in the diease he didn't have much fight in him.
But he tried. I watched it eat away at him little by little til he couldn't fight any longer. He asked to be taken off his medications on August 27th 1996. I asked him why but I knew the answer, he said " enough is enough" . Three days later I was by his side when he left this world. I'm at least glad that I could be with him when he died. We will always love Pedro, he was a true friend and a loving husband and father.
He loved people and they loved him.
He would give yo the shirt off his back if you needed it or hell even if you just liked it! That's what made him so special to so many.

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