About these pages (credits and things like that....)

`Rie Gordon uses using a battered old 486sx built out of bits and supplied by a right cowboy.... MS Office, Works, Paint, Publisher, AOL Press, U-Lead Image Editor, Corel Photopaint 5 which crashes quite a lot, Ipswitch WS_FTP, Eudora Lite, Drag N Zip, Epson GT5000, US Robotics, Iomega Zip Drive, Max Factor, Cover Girl, Alberto VO5 Mega-Hold, Ulay, Wrangler Jeans and Boots, Technics, Pioneer, Marantz, Marshall, Hohner, Aria Pro, Ovation, Vox, Jack Daniels, Red Flag, Cheap Red Wine, Gawith and Hogarth's and Canuma Papers.

All layout and design by 'Rie Gordon at the Smoking-Girl Studios.

Images by 'Rie, except "Runner" by Munch, and he pinched some of that anyway, "Smiler" by Nig-Pig. Dogs, Hanoi and Thunders photos nicked by 'Rie and S. Canner from magazines and album covers, and we haven't the faintest idea where the "Cabbie" came from, but it's not ours either. "False Teeth" and "Bubble Car" from The Virginian. Pooh and Spice Girls graffiti by 'Rie except "Irritating Runt" by 'Rie and Munch from originals found on the internet.

Photos of 'Rie were taken by a well dodgy geezer who kept all the best ones.

'Rie Gordon and S. Canner appear courtesy of Smoking-Girl Studios and because they had nothing better to do.

Sorry if we pissed anyone off with the copyrights!


These pages are dedicated to those of my family and friends who believed in me and to those who supported or inspired me, be that at my side, in my absence or by electronic mail from across the water.
And last but not least, to the memory of Grandma Sandry, who bequeathed me the bunce to begin with.

The Fridge Door

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