So you found me did you?
Well since you are here I guess that I could tell you a little bit about me.

I am just like anybody else, full of imperfections and still under construction.
I work as a Software Developer in Dublin Ohio, programming in Cobol and CICS.
I graduated from Muskingum Area Technical College in June of 2000, at the same
time reaching my goal of graduating with a 4.0 GPA. Yes for those of you who been
following my progress, I DID IT.....

I am a member of Phi Theata Kappa national honor society, Who's Who in America's Junior Colleges and Presidential Scholars.
Making something of me is very important, so the sacrifices to achieve this are worth it.

When I dont have my face buried in a computer screen I like
to get out and explore the world. Exploring new places has always been a passion of mine
But watch out because when I have a deep passion for something it tends to rub off on those around me.

Unfortunately I am also a
child abuse survivor and I think I am still looking for the love
that we all were supposed to receive naturally.
I have lived alone with my cats for the last ten years but that will be changing soon.
Even though I have lived these years alone
I feel that Love is a very special gift that was meant to be shared.
I enjoy seeing people in love and helping people find the love that they are looking for.
I also enjoy being in love myself. There is not a better feeling!!
When there is someone special in my life I let her know
by jotting down
poems that are in my heart, and sending her flowers.
I wouldn't want to die without letting my girl know...Life is too short!

The love between two women is best described in the bible.
May the words that Ruth spoke to Naomi touch you as deeply as they have touched me.

For some interesting lesbian links Click Here
If there are others you would like to see added write me.

Click the M&M for Some web games.

If all of what you have read here didn't bring a smile to your face
Read a few lesbian jokes that are sure to make you laugh.

If you have any comments about this site
You can write to me at the following address or fill out the form provided.

Shygirlll'sPersonal Message_Form

[email protected]

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