These are my Mistress's words.

Arissa's Page I have been Katheryn's Mistress and Mentor for a long time now, encouraging her to find her true self while she discovered her feminine side. We have "shopped" together, traded clothes and underwear, while I have tried to teach her about the finer art of looking as a "real" woman. Like, real women don't walk like fullbacks! Katheryn, for those of you who haven't had the pleasure of meeting her, is about 6 feet tall and more than able to return whatever trouble may come her way.

I met Katheryn a few years ago, long before s/he even had the name of Katheryn. In fact, it was in a former apartment of mine that "we" discovered Kate, while dressing her one Halloween for a night out at the clubs. Now wait a minute.....actually, it was probably even before then: When I met Kate for the first time, he was just a sweet guy who thought the world would destroy him for admitting that he loved to "dress" in women's clothes!

"I love to wear women's panties!", he confided one night, while we sat on his living room couch, enjoying a drink or two. I seriously repressed my laughter and replied, "Oh? really? Let's see them then". I have been kinky for years and have lived alternative lifestyles for over 20 years already. A guy in women's clothes was hardly new for Me, after all this time!

Anyway....s/he dutifully ran and ransacked the closet where s/he kept her secret stash of women's clothes and reappeared with a pretty pair of blue?, (I think?) nylon women's panties, which I of course told her to put on at once! S/he did, which was funny to watch at the time, as she struggled to stand on one foot while putting those small panties on! I couldn't stand it any longer and said, "um, maybe you should sit down and do that?", so she did. What followed was a long conversation about people's intolerance, how afraid she was of her wife finding out about her clothing preferences, what would happen if her job knew?? etc etc. After 20 years of alternative living, well, I had had this conversation at many time in many places with many people. I assured Kate that cross-dressing was just a fun thing to do, and not an 'evil' or sick thing. She wasn't the first CD or TV I had met, or had as a friend, I assured her.

So, things continued pretty much like that for a long time: In our free time, if we had the same days off, we would comb the local thrift stores looking for outfits for Kate, as we had already exhausted my closet. I had Kate try on my cast-off clothes and underwear, of which my clothes and panties fit, but not my bras, as I am well-endowed there. Shoes were another issue: Kate wore at least a size 10 in women's shoes, I wore only a 7, so we became good at finding low-price shoe stores that were tolerant of men trying on ladies' shoes. In other places, I would march up to the counter with a size 10 pair of shoes in hand, and have Kate pay for them. This is really funny if you understand that I am only 5'2", and size 10 shoes would look like clown shoes on Me. But no one behind the cash register ever even blinked an eye at that!

And then finally about 2 years ago, we all decided to dress up for Halloween and go out clubbing and dancing on that night in costume. By the time we got Kate dressed, well, she looked kinda schoolmarmish, but said she felt comfortable that way. I did her makeup and another friend did her hair and wow! she really looked terrific by the time we were done. Next, we went over the finer points of walking in 3" heels, so as not to look like a football player in drag. The idea was not to "pass", but not to look ridiculous either! and also to remember to keep her knees together when sitting!!! and not assume the typical male spread-knees-and-slouch position. When we were all done, "Katheryn" was born and I felt like I had just given birth to the biggest girl I had ever seen! ;> We went out partying and had a wonderful time that night and many nights since then.

And Katheryn's sense of style has improved greatly as s/he has "found herself".

---Mistress Arissa ;>