These are TabbysGal's thoughts on the subject, also unedited.

I've haven't known Katheryn for very long, although I've known her her alter-ego for what seems like ages. Katheryn's wife is my best friend. Actually, I had spoken to Katheryn online for some time before coming to find out who she was. Was I shocked? Yes, because she never identified herself to me. But that's the only reason. Actually, I admire her for having the honesty to be who she is, and the confidence to carry it off, for acknowledging her desires and for being courageous enough to take the steps to fulfill them. I think it's great that she opened her heart to us all here on her web page, giving others the chance to see themselves here and perhaps be encouraged to take that first major step out of the closet at last. And actually I think it's pretty cool that she and I can raid each others closets! TabbysGal

So, you wanna know who TabbysGal is? This is what she says about herself on ONE of her websites.

Back to the closet!