Bulge: Hiding It

Source: “The Tuck” by Jennifer

Did you just put on that gorgeous knit skirt but now there’s a lump in front that shatters the image? Have you tried shoving it here and there but always feel like you just got kicked? Girl, you need to “tuck” ;-)

There are devices out there that you can use to hide the bulge. The most popular is the gaff. However, I have never heard anyone actually recommend the gaff to anyone. They are very uncomfortable. The gaff can best be described kind of like a bikini bottom except it’s extremely tight. The straps tend to dig in and make nasty creases. Also since your smashing everything against your belly it’s unlikely you’ll be able to wear it very long unless your a masochist.

Okay, you still want that smooth silhouette but without the pain. Enter “the Tuck.” This simple technique allows you to walk, sit, dance and even urinate without undoing everything or suffering needlessly. And you get a nice smooth front.

First you must shave. Some girls I talk to about this use scissors to trim the hair but I don’t like using scissors there. Other girls use a razor but the last time I tried that I ended up looking like I tried SRS on myself. Personally I like to use one of the hair removers designed for the bikini area. Just be careful where you put it.

Next you will need some sport tape. You can try this without tape also, it should still work fine. You will have to wear control panties or pantyhose to hold everything in place. I don’t tape unless I plan on being tucked for a long time or I’m wearing something that hugs my curves. If your not going to tape, pull whatever you’ll be wearing up over your knees, following the rest of the instructions here. After everything is in place pull your panties (or whatever) up and they should hold you in place. Some girls use micropore surgical tape. You want a tape that doesn’t leave a gooey mess of glue when you take it off or one that will rip the skin. Right now I’m using 3M Cloth First Aid Tape. You should get tape that’s between ½" and 1" wide. Cut a strip 5" to 6" long and set it aside.

This part is a little difficult to explain. First we have to get rid of the testicles. Pull the skin around the “T’s” tight. They will move up towards the base of the shaft. Now you should be able to push the “T’s” up into your groin. Joanne Roberts says some people can’t do this because there’s a set of muscles there that need to be stretched. I’ve also been told that a hernia operation can make this impossible. Some girls “T’s” will move up there all by themselves in the cold. All I can say is try, but don’t hurt yourself.

Okay, pull the loose skin up over the penis on either side and tape it there with the strip of tape you have. You should wrap the tape around the sheath of skin you pull up and it must be as close to the base as possible. Some of you may require a second wrap of tape to keep the T’s up in their new home.

Now just pull the penis between your legs and pull your panties up. Some girls like to secure the penis with another piece of tape so it doesn’t shift around or pop out. Cindy Ames likes to use a panty liner both to smooth the area more and to absorb any “leaks.” I tried this and it’s kind of cool using a feminine pad.

Eventually you may want to take all this off. If you just remove the tape everything will fall back into place within a minute or two. If not, gently press on the lower belly and they should pop right out.

The nice thing about this is you can still go to the bathroom, even if you decide to tape the shaft in place. Many of us tuck even when not dressed so you know it can’t be uncomfortable. If you are actively trying to have children at the time I read a medical report that said you shouldn’t tuck or wear tight panties for 24 hours before having sex. Something about proper sperm production requiring temperatures below 90° or something. I don’t know how true that is. By the way, it IS possible to have sex while tucked too as long as you don’t tape the shaft in place.

All those annoying disclaimers apply here. This is supplied for informational purposes only and contains information based on personal experiences and hearsay. Any use of this information is at your own risk.

I’d like to thank Cindy Ames for sending me her experiences with tucking and Krystle and the other girls for telling me how they do it.