This is a bad dream for a man, perhaps.Unless he wants to be my slave. The dream surprised me, because I do not think like this, too much. But obviously, there is some kind of conflict and it makes me explore it in dreams.

I am taking off my clothes, very purposefully, with a man chained in front of me. He is like a dog, naked, on his haunches, his legs spread slightly. He makes an ugly sight, this naked man, with his sex hanging between his legs, the dark pubic hair, the dark body hair. He is a hairy dog, he has not shaved, and I am his dominatrix.

I have slipped on a crotchless leotard which is flesh-colored. I think the point of this, is that the man is not allowed to see my flesh directly. There is some kind of dream logic to this. Yet, he can see my penis! Only my penis is he allowed to see in the real flesh! I am exposed, and very erect. I look so big! It sticks out so very hard! My pubic hair is actually flickering at the edges like flames.

I have a bra on under my leotard, and the lace can be seen. I can see myself in my dream, and I am wearing very good make-up, with full red lips, and eyeliner, and dark blue-black shadow. There is no doubt that I am his she-male dominatrix.

I point at him with my penis. I am inches away from his mouth. I stand in front of this human dog and I tell him, "I am beautiful, and that makes you cry with desire. But I also have a penis, and that will make you scream."

I walk back and forth in front of him. His eyes follow me as, strutting, with my swaying hips and large, erect penis, I torture him with the contradictions of sex.

I am very angry. He must have disobeyed me or something. I have no idea what the reason is, only that I am enraged. I clap his ears with my hands. I sink my penis into his mouth, and leave it chokingly deep in his throat. I begin to gyrate in a dance that will make him gag and roll his eyes.

He must see that there is nothing on this earth that is more powerful/sexual than a she-male! Look! My eyes see through your soul. My lips can kiss and make you mad for more. My curves are as tempting as a snake. My breasts make you hungry to suck. And I have a punishing erect penis! I have it all!

I begin to walk slowly backward, un-holstering my penis from his mouth. He is drawn toward me, tempted, his mesmerized face nods up and down as he gathers this visage in...the curves, the beauty, the penis! His mouth is open; he looks foolish, like a zombie. His eyes are very wide.

My anger is enormous. I grab him hard by his hair, yank his hair back, pull his neck back, make him stare up at the ceiling with his mouth open. I stuff my scrotum into his open mouth and gag him that way; my penis is the length of his face, hard as a lead pipe, smashing down on his nose, right between his eyes.

"I have everything," I hiss. My scrotum is frothy wet from being in his mouth. Now I want his tongue up my hole. I clutch his hair and ride him.

I come from this, but gasping like a woman. As I cry out, I begin to spurt heavily. There is white stuff on the tops of his feet, and a bit of it around the floor near his feet. He is falling backward, falling against the wall. He collapses face first to the floor.

I am still erect, and I strut like a fashion model, up and down, impatiently waiting for him to wake up. I am plotting all the things I can do to him. I think he is an anal virgin, and I will take him that way. I want very much to kick him between the legs and see what happens. I want to slap his face with my penis.

Suddenly he looks up at me.

He expects me to recognize myself, that it's me, but it isn't.

"You arenot me," I tell him. "I am me, standing here!" My eyes are blazing, I look incredibly sexy, my face is so white and my lips are so red. My body is lithe. And I have such a glorious penis and a beautifully rounded and shaped scrotum.

"I am so proud!" I cry out, righteously. "It's on the calendar!"

I see a calendar with the pages moving, like they do in a movie to denote passing time. Yes, it is some kind of holiday, or Mardi Gras, or the 5th of November or something for she-males. It is some kind of Legal Holiday, and I am allowed to do this! And only on this day, I can make my pubic hair come to life, animted, looking like flames.

Now I am outside the room where the naked man is.

I open the door, and there is nobody in there at all. It is a newly constructed apartment with a wood floor and traces of sawdust on it. The walls have been freshly painted. My name is on the bell. Sunlight is wonderful from the big windows in the living room.

I am wearing a yellow dress with large buttons up the front, and a wide black leather belt. I have a blonde wig. I am wearing very nice pumps.

"This is my new home!" I say.