Mylene and a Mirror Image

I am wearing a white lace nightgown. I love to wear nightgowns, I love the soft reminder of femininity as I move. The nylon drapes my legs, whispers to my thighs, and when I wear a very lacy bodice, I am such a sainted maiden, I don't need large breasts to think of myself as the sweetest of sweethearts.

As I walk through a long corridor of an old house, just like the heroine of a child's mystery book, I wonder if there is anyone at home.
I look into the mirror and I marvel at myself. "Pretty Mylene," I say to the mirror, "you are looking so beautiful." Somehow, in my dream, I am exactly as I wish, without any tricks of make-up or the photographer's art. As I look at myself, I am beaming with girlish pride. Up until now, I didn't think I really was so perfectly feminine!

Is it a dream?

I am momentarily disappointed...it is not a dream. But it is not me, either. It is someone who looks like me. Or, like I want to be.

But my disappointment turns to wonder as this mirror image is not in a mirror at all, but is standing in front of me. Her eyes look into mine. Her lips part as mine do. We instinctively kiss, and hold each other like twin sisters.

Ohhh, but this is so perfect, I think to myself. Better than being that perfect girl in the mirror, I have her in front of me. To love her, to admire her, to show her how much I revel in her glorious femininity and beauty.

I kiss her mouth, I hold her so close.

We seem to kiss each other hungrily. We have been apart for so long. She knows how much I love to feel her full tongue in my mouth. I gently suck on it, our lips meeting. And I know how much she loves the same thing, and so our swirling tongues and lips exchange fervent kisses and now, my tongue is in her mouth. I let her suck on it gently.

For a moment we seem to be entwined in a swirl of lace. Our lovely white gowns. Our virginal white gowns.

Now I am sucking on her, and I am so grateful, so excited! It's just as if I was sucking myself, which I've always wanted to do. So this, this is what it's like to do that, I think.

I am on my back, and my legs are up, and I look at myself as I'm being penetrated. I love this look. I like the way my penis lies there, semi-aroused, but really passive. I think, this is how it feels to make love to me! This is what I am like!

But it seems that the moment this strange reality comes to me, the images all begin to fade away.

When I wake, I think about whether there really is a twin for me on this Earth. Someone who looks like me, acts like me...that we will instantly know it and embrace like the long lost lovers we are.