Mylene the Pre-Op

I know how this dream came about.

This is an early dream in my dream book, and I wrote it down when I was working in an office.

I began to wear some of my sexiest lingerie to the office; a lacy pink garterbelt and stockings, and stretch panties in white that seemed to hold me in a webwork of lace. When I wear stretch panties like that, being a male is obvious, because you can see the outline. But that can be very sexy!

Very daringly, I also wore a stretch bra under my shirt. I had looked in the mirror very, very carefully, to make sure the fabric was dense enough so that the straps could not show through. I even checked again at the office, where the lights were much brighter. I went into the bathroom and checked the straps. (And then I went to sit in one of the stalls, delighted to urinate sitting down, and with a lapfull of frillies to stare at!)

I guess all of this was too much of a strain, because that night I had a dream that I came to work with large breasts, and smooth skin, and pouting lips, and my hair in feathery swirls...everyone congratulated me for taking hormones and being...transsexual!

I can remember all of it. I am in the office, and the girls gather around me and squeal with delight and call my name over and over. They beg me to pose for them in my lingerie.

Now I am standing on a table, in exactly the lingerie that I had worn to work. Only now, my hips are voluptuous. My breasts jiggle in the stretch bra and my nipples show through. Oh, glorious pink, firm, nipples I have! I squeeze myself and watch my cleavage! Oooh! I am such a big girl!

My legs are beautiful in the stockings, and the garterbelt frames my penis which can be seen prominently through the stretch panties. I am urged to pull them down, and I do! The girls coo and laugh and whistle. They wish they were me.

They come up to me, one after another, with kisses, with congratulations, and one even says out loud, "I wish I had a penis, too! She is perfect! She is perfect!"

The girls want to kiss me, and do my hair, and lipstick my lips, and tell me about eye shadow, and one of them comes up to me holding her panties, telling me they'll look good on me. Am I really the most popular girl in the office?

A lovely dream.

The next day, I think it was the next day, I saw a lipstick on a girl's desk, and with nobody looking, I did my lips! And I blew kisses to all the people who could barely even see me. And then I hurried to the bathroom to wipe it off before anybody could really see.