!!Greetings and Salutations!!


My name is ChulaGirl and WELCOME to my homepage.

Like many of us on this on this

we are forever growing and learing new things. Well in my case I grew up in a way my

family really didnt care for. I am a Pre Op Transexual, yes I am one of those who are trapped

in the wrong body.

Born April 22, 1974 in Kingston, Jamaica

I knew I wasnt like everybody else, I knew when I was 3 years old. And at that age we are not supposed to have

no knowledge of feeling.

"Well I sure did"

Growing up wasnt that hard for me cause I kept my head in those books, I learned alot about life

and just to make sure that I wasn't going crazy I would research my feelings and put them down

on paper to see if anything I was doing made since.

Around the time I was a teenager I saw lots of things on televison that matched my troubles, and

thats the last thing someone needs.

But now Im 24 years old and I've found someone who loves me for who I am and

what I stand for.


Thats The Way It Should Go