Definitions Of Transgenderedness


Transgendered is a catch all phrase which includes all forms of gender

dysphoria. Transsexuals, Transvestites, Drag Queens, Drag Kings, Bull

Dykes, Cross Dressers & everything & anything in between!!! Below is

a glossary of terms which will help you navigate the TRANZINE website

with greater understanding & help you understand the broader spectrum

of the term TRANSGENDERED all that much better.

TRANSSEXUAL - A person born with as one sex (Male or Female) who feels like the opposite gender on the inside. These people feel the nessesity to have thier genatalia surgically altered to appear as the opposite gender. PRE-OPERATIVE means before SRS/GRS when the transsexual still has his or her original genitals. POST OPERATIVE means the transsexual has had SRS/GRS & now has genitalia of the opposite gender.

TRANSVESTITE - A heterosexual male or female who dresses in the clothing of the opposite gender for the purpose of attaining normal or heightened sexual orgasm.

CROSS DRESSER - A male or female who simply likes to dress in the clothing of the opposite gender without the sexual thrill.

DRAG QUEEN - A gay male who dresses up in womens clothing. They do this for different reasons. Some to attract men, others for the sheer fun of it, others still to mock a gender they despise. It has been said that a drag queen is a drag queen because they have to much style for one gender!

DRAG KING - The Lesbian female equivelent of a drag queen.

BULL DYKE - Bull Dykes are lesbian women who have very masculine appearances, but do not hide thier being female.

SRS/GRS -Sex Reasignment Surgery / Gender Reasignment Surgery. Fancy names for a sex change opperation.

M2F -Male to Female refers to a person born a male who seeks to be female.

F2M -Female to Male refers to a person born a female who now seeks to be male.

GENDER DYSPHORIA - The medical psycho-babble term for TRANSGENDERISM.