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salvador t - 09/27/00 02:02:11
My Email:[email protected]

hola quetal mira te escribo para felicitarte pues eres una chica muy hermosa me considero un ferbiente admirador de las chicas travestis y en ti encuentro un bello cuerpo remarcado por tu cara tan linda sigue adelante teapoyo y te mando un beso

Jason - 06/17/00 06:20:17
My Email:[email protected]

I luv your legs, gotta go 2 the island 4 u.

thetone99 - 04/27/99 15:32:47
My Email:[email protected]

Very pretty sista Keep me in mind when u smile for the camera again

Shaggy_ - 03/13/99 09:28:58

really well done - its a good site

Sidney E. Mathious - 03/09/99 04:55:28
My Email:[email protected]

I love your web site and you are very beautiful with a perfect figure and dynamite fine legs. I will be returning to check out any changes. sidney

Cindy - 09/10/98 14:07:51
My URL:http://www.0001011.com/users/cindy
My Email:[email protected]
comment: I like this page.... mine has just been updated :-) Thanks, Cindy

Evelynmarie - 08/06/98 06:25:11
My URL:/homestead/westhollywood/village/9237
My Email:[email protected]

I enjoyed your page.....good luck and the best to you....on your surgery.....you are strong to go through it......Eve'

dEEgrOOvy - 07/05/98 11:16:49
My URL:http://insomniac.unix.net/~dee
My Email:[email protected]

oh my dear rastagirl, i have known you a very long time, and was really touched by your story. i am so glad after SUCH a long break, that we have met up again. i wish you the best of luck in the world, and i will always and forever be here for you. *lu 'n'hugz* veronica

MASE17 - 06/24/98 06:07:55
My Email:[email protected]

you are a SEXY BLACK THING BABY. luv them pics...lets see some more

Jade - 06/17/98 20:31:37

hey love the pix especally #3 hubba hubba :)

Tina - 06/15/98 08:46:58
My Email:[email protected]

what a fox.... transition should be a breeze for you Hon

Sleyd - 06/14/98 10:05:28
My Email:[email protected]

YOU are truly amazing and stunning! I threatened to propose here...but discretion IS the better part after all. KISSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

Footrest - 06/14/98 09:22:09
My Email:[email protected]

Good page, great legs - if you ever need tor est them up, just call !

Nosfera2- - 06/13/98 06:51:04
My Email:[email protected]

Love your webpage, you dear friend, you! You are so beautiful and SEXY that I hear your pictures will be included in our next Deep-Space probe...is that true? Luv ya!

Thorn - 06/13/98 05:35:18
My Email:[email protected]

hey there.....I've seen you a few times on #tvsex and wanted to say hi, so now I have! You are one of the best looking Jamaican ladies I've ever met!

Kymberleigh Richards - 05/09/98 17:11:20
My Email:[email protected]

Cool, Chula. :)

Gabrielle Wolfe - 05/08/98 08:07:20
My Email:[email protected]

I love your page.. it's not too dense with text. it says what it needs to without being preachy.

Senorv - 04/26/98 22:41:03
My Email:[email protected]

A Beautiful page for such a beautiful lady...lucky person to have you...if you would ever care to chat and maybe become friends pls email me...I would only respect you so don't worry...thanks

Nosfera2- - 04/24/98 07:31:48
My Email:[email protected]

Chula......you've outdone yourself with this website....very polished....and the pictures are SO BEAUTIFUL! I will come here, often...... Yours, Bob (Nos)

- 04/15/98 20:12:30


iTaL ViBeS - 04/14/98 16:35:03
My URL:http://www.cnn.com

Jah Rastafari!!!!!!!!!!

Boneman - 04/13/98 07:14:30
My Email:[email protected]

Loved your pic hon. Hope to see more

gucci-boy - 04/11/98 03:42:03
My URL:http://www.cyberramp.net/~scottie
My Email:[email protected]

nice to know you chula :) at last i've gotten to know you after 2 1/2 years on #lesbian :) stay kewl and rock on :P scottie

Chris (Firmhand) - 04/04/98 09:42:28

Thanks for sharing your story and your pictures with me. God bless and i hope your life moves in only the directions you wish. You are a beautiful and talented lady.

Reto - 04/01/98 21:06:09
My Email:[email protected]

I adore you!

- 03/29/98 14:51:57


Carol D. - 03/28/98 16:53:06
My Email:[email protected]

You have a very nice website! Good luck in pursuing life and happiness!

Dean - 03/28/98 03:32:11


ChulaGirl - 03/28/98 00:47:34
My Email:[email protected]

I Like iT!

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