Tina's Special Frozen Dessert

This is an Italian dessert. It has a texture similar to Ice Cream, but is much creamier.


One pint (16 fl. oz.) Heavy Cream

Three Eggs

One Teaspoon Vanilla Extract

Four Tablespoons sugar OR Two packets Equal

A pinch of salt

2 cups or more of cut-up strawberries

Put the heavy cream and vanilla extract into a large chilled bowl and whip.

Separate the three eggs. Add a pinch of salt to the egg whites and beat them until they are stiff.

Add the sugar or sweetener to the egg yolks and combine with a fork until the texture is uniform.

Mix the whipped cream, egg whites, sweetened egg yolks, and strawberries together until the mixture is uniform.

Cover the bowl and put it in the freezer. Allow the mix to freeze completely.

Spoon out about 4-ounce servings and garnish with chocolate shavings.

This dessert has a creamy texture and a very rich flavor. The butterfat content can actually overwhelm the strawberries, so you might consider using overripe fruit.

Alternatives: Substitute almond extract for the vanilla. Try other kinds of fruit such as blueberries, raspberries, or peaches. Apples with a light dusting of cinnamon are also excellent. Substitute crushed walnuts or pecans for the fruit.

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