Meat Marinade

This is an excellent marinade for beef, pork, chicken, or fish. Great for barbecues!


One packet Good Seasons™ Italian Dressing mix

Good Seasons™ Mixing Bottle

Red wine vinegar or Tina's Herbal Vinegar

Olive oil (suggested - any good cooking oil will do)

Soy Sauce (I suggest a reduced sodium soy sauce)

Prepare the meat by stabbing it with a fork repeatedly on both sides until it is thoroughly punctured. Put it in a sealable plastic bag.

Mix the Good Seasons™ salad dressing according to the directions, substituting soy sauce for the water. Pour the marinade over the meat and allow it to marinate in the refrigerator for at least one hour.

NOTE: If you wish to use some of the marinade for dipping, reserve it in a separate container. Do NOT use the marinade poured over the meat for dipping.

Broil the meat to taste. While cooking, use the marinade to baste the meat. This will keep it moist and juicy.


Try using my herbal vinegar and fresh herbs such as basil, sage, oregano, lovage, garlic, etc.

For chicken or fish, use one of my fruited vinegars and substitute freshly ground black pepper, rosemary, and sage for the salad dressing mix.

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