Michele Suzanne Fuqua

Sergeant (E-4)

US Air Force

Dates Served: March 1972 - March 1977

Duty Stations: Keesler AFB, MS, Anderson AFB, Guam, Kinchloe AFB, MI

E-mail: [email protected]

Michele Writes: I am a Pre-op Transsexual Female.

[I]... was assigned to USAFOSI. You all know what that is.... remember the Six Million Dollar Man? Well such an department actually exist. I could tell you what I did but then I would have to mess up your hair, make-up, snap your bra straps whatever and I'm not that kind of girl. It always amazed me that here I had all this security clearance and I bet they had no idea that I looked so hot in a micro-mini and spikes! *blush*

I'm a Hoosier and live in Lafayette, Indiana My favorite place to chat is Transgendered Network International, http://www.tgni.com I am a Hostess there and you are welcome anytime, please accept a free one month subscription and join us.

Tina replies: Sure, go ahead and use the NCO Club to plug TGNI. Seriously, I'm glad to provide a link to your fine organization.

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