Rita Richards

Staff Sergeant

US Air Force

Dates Served: November 1969 - November 1973; honorably discharged from the Inactive Reserve in November 1975.

Duty Stations: Various, including DaNang AFLD, RVN, Andersen AFB, Guam, and Griffis AFB, NY.

E-mail: [email protected]

Suffice it to say that I held a Civil Engineering AFSC that involved considerable flightline work.

My career since separation has been a close parallel (in terms of type of work and work environment) to my Air force duty. My current position involves adult training and education for a government agency. My residence is in Central Pennsylvania.

Like many of the 'war stories' I read on your site, I crossdressed with more or less frequency during my military service. with the exception of my tour in 'Nam, when I was just too busy doing my job to think about Rita. Also like most of us, I have dressed en femme since about 9 or 10. I dress fairly extensively now, and spend considerable time en femme in public, shopping, dining, attending the theatre, etc. (I'm fairly passable, if I do say so myself. I prefer the businesswoman look.)

AGE: Barely 50-something.

MARITAL STATUS: Married for 25 years. My spouse has known about Rita for about 17 of those years, and has grown very understanding and supportive. My grown children (2) do not know.

I'll be 'logging in' from time to time. I think your web site is great and I salute your courage. Any sister can feel free to e-mail me; I promise I'll answer all.

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