Patricia Jaderborg


US Air Force

Dates Served: June 1975 - July 1995

Duty Stations: Offutt AFB, NE; Scott AFB, IL; Camp Casey, Korea; Fort Lewis, WA; Yongsan/K-16, Korea; Seymour Johnson AFB, NC; & Camp Humphreys, Korea.

E-mail: [email protected]

Patricia writes: Currently retired and working as a contractor (computer repair tech for the military) in Korea. I transitioned on the job, and the company I work for declined my offer of resignation and gave me medical leave for my operation, rather than have me use my vacation. (NOTE: Tina commends Patricia’s company for its sensitivity and excellent Human Resources policy.)

I am totally accepted as who I am by my company, boss, and coworkers, along with the military population I work with. Even most Koreans I work with accept me as I am.

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