Melody Skye Marks

EMFN (or so Listed on my records)

U. S. Navy

Dates Served: Aug 12 1959- Sept 12 1962

Duty Stations: Yes I saw them come and go. Navy life is not good for a TS that joined for all the wrong reasons. Thank God I got out alive. It was not my intent.

E-mail: [email protected]

Home Page: http://[email protected]

Melody writes: Lets just say I served, I volunteered, I did what I had to do, Not proud of what that was. Only Proud to have served and lived.  Those whom I trust with my life Know me and may know what I was. I am no longer that person. Shot "Him" in the foot a long time ago. He did not survive. I live in Oklahoma with another Lady of the service You may find her listed here. Many Know her as Frannie Okie.

Tina comments: For those who might be interested, Skye (Melody's preferred middle name) was a legendary Celtic warrior, and a woman.  According to Celtic legends, Skye established a school for warriors and trained the best, including Cuchullaine, the fabled warrior of Ulster.

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