NCO Club Application

The service I used to process my forms has become unreliable, so I'm going back to good old e-mail. Please send the following information to my e-mail address and I will get your name posted ASAP.

Preferred Name:

Branch of Service:


The rest of this information is optional.

Post e-mail address? (Yes/No)

Home Page URL:

Dates served:

Duty Stations:

War story: We will have a "War Stories" page in the NCO club. Tell us your favorite war story with a TG connection and we will post it. SSgt Tina reserves the right to edit any submissions for language and content. Hey, it's my club! Got any complaints, go tell it to the chaplain!

By the way, do you know the difference between War Stories and Fairy Tales? Fairy Tales begin with "Once upon a time…". War stories begin with "Now this is no shit!" -giggle- J


Be very careful just what information you include here, particularly if you are still on active duty. We all know just how paranoid and transphobic the military is, and the manner in which it has implemented the "Don't ask, don't tell" policy only serves to underscore this. Please do not volunteer any information that could be used against you.

As a matter of policy, the NCO Club will not post the e-mail address of any member without permission to do so. If I do not receive either a yes or no for the e-mail link, I will assume you do not wish to post it. Also, I will not keep the e-mail address of any member who asks me not to post it. Your security is important to me.

Send e-mail to SSgt Tina:

[email protected]


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