1972- 1976
Garibaldo lived in the street in 1972 and was a verry playfull bird.

In the trashcan there lived Gugu.
And though he didn�t like much, he was currious to see what other people did.

Juca was the married to Gabriela.
He also was a toymaker and made them also with the childeren in the show.

Gabriela was always busy.
And she interfered when there was trouble or when Garibaldo wanted something to know (she was very helpfull, you know).

Ana Maria was a playfull teacher and she always knew great games to do with the childeren. She had a crush on Antonio..

Also they had a little shop where you could find anything. The shop owner was Seu Almeida. When ever Garibaldo broke something he cried, because he just warned him for it!
This is my brother Garibaldo. He only lived 4 years.
I have never seen him.
But everyone in Brazil could�t watch him every day at 08:00- 12:00 and 17:00 o�clock on TV Globo, TV Cultura and TVE.
In that time there was no coulour tv in Brazil, so they broadcasted the show  in black and white.
Garibaldo was performed by Laerte Morrone and was a bit scary looking.
But I guess he had the same gently manners as Big Bird.
On this picture you can see what he looked like with colours.

He lived happely in Vila Sesamo with his other friends:

Gugu: Roberto Orozco
Funga Funga: Marcos Miranda
Teacher Ana Maria: Sonia Braga
Gabriela: Araci Balabanian
Juca: Armando Bogus
Seu Almeida: Manoel Inocencio
Antonio: Flavio Galvao
At the left you see the red elephant; Funga- Funga.

In 1975 the show had arround 20 persons living in the street and was very popular.
There came more actors like:

The Magician: Paulo Jose
Edificio: Flavio Migliaccio
Professor Leao: Milton Goncalves
Cuca: Ayres Pinto
Bruno: Luiz Antonio Angelucci
Also they got more muppets on the show... Still made in Brazil and not by Sesame Street Workshop:

Ze Das Latas: Wilston Evangelista Costa
Pipoca: Teresa Christina
Jujuba: Elany Del Vechio
Marocas: Sonia Guedes
Marinheiro: Antonio Petrin
Sabichao: Henrique Lisboa
Bidu: Aziz Bajur
After 30 years, Vila Sesamo and its personages, between the celebrity and disfigured Gariblado Bird and Gugu are in return. Only , this time, will there will only be livened up dolls, of foam, without actors.
A characteristic of the first version, resulted of partnership between TV Cultura and Net Globo, that launched Sonia Braga and loaned brightness to the career of Araci Balabanian.

The first contract  resulted in episodes that made joy for childeren aswell adults at the time it was created and shown. Later on it was one of the first programms to appear colorful on television.
Vila Sesamo marked a generation of Brazilians....
A funny detail; The succes of the programm was as much that any high and disfigured person, man or woman, finished gaining the nickname of "Garibaldo" or "Garibalda".
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