It happend in 1978...
My older nephew Toccata was born in 1 rue Sesame, France.
He wasn�t smart and wanted to learn alot about words, numbers and other stuff.

Gladly there was his pal Mordicus, who knew more then he did.
But like Oscar, he wasn�t  that patient.

Later on the snail Trepido  came living in the street. Little is know of this snail. But there where made a few records with his picture on the cover and its voice on the 45t record...
In the picture above you�ll see Casimir who visited the street. You can compare it like the visiting of Barney the Dinosaur.

They both appeared on channel TF1.

Well as far as I know,  there isn�t anymore information.
But If you know more about this big bird, or have picture, please don�t hesitate to let me know!
Toccata was played by Lucien Morisse.
There is not much knownl about him, and the others as well.

Toccata lived in the street with:

Mordicus: Georges Mosca
Trepido: ?

And actors:
Clemence: Monique Tarbes
Odile: Edith Garnier
Roger: Roger Elcourt
Maxime: Maxime Arcos

Producer: Michel Berthier
Music composer: Jean Morlier
Lyrics: Daniele Heran
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A New version of the French Sesame Street started in october 2005 on France 5. Thats why it's called 5 rue Sesame...
For this series 5 new characters where created.. A big monster, 2 smaller ones, an invalid girl and a pinguin.
And from the original Sesame Street an Elmo puppet.
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