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Loved by:
Asako Kurami
Alyssia Alessis
May 20
Strawberry brown
Golden Brown
Not letting anybody know she's Rei's girlfriend *_*'
Rei, why would he be her boyfriend otherwise?
She's a big part of the first series, but then she moves a little out of the picture. She and Sana meet at a TV movie set where they are cast as co-stars (the movie that helped Hayama's family life a lot). Strangely, every time that Asako is around, Rei dissappears. We later find out that Asako was Rei's high school girlfriend and love of his life. She says that she's missed him, that she didn't know about him being homeless for so long (she didn't, she found out interviewing Sana), or that she'd hurt him so much in her decision to leave him to become an actress (but doesn't he have the right to be hurt? Couldn't she have studied to be actress AND continue to see him? Bah!). There isn't much known about her because her character isn't very much dwelled into, but it's obvious that she loves Rei, as she proves that later on (*muttering to myself* not going to spoil anything. Not going to spoil anything. NOT GOING TO SPOIL ANYTHING!). Aww...heck with spoilers! She helps Sana figure out that she loves Hayama (and we'll never thank her enough for it...even though it was a bit late), she helps Sana buy undergarments (^_^'), and she often helps her with her job too, but in little ways. That's about all we can say for her.
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