Name (gaijin):
Name (Italian):
Blood type:
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Favorite food:

Loved by:
Akito Hayama
Eric Frank, just Eric to anyone
October 12
11, at the beginning of the show
Golden blonde (for the color blind)
Golden brown (again for the color blind)
Really smart but bad student
Karate, training for karate, listen to his walkman, disturbing class, and thinking about Sana.
Sana, karate, dinosaurs, SUSHI!!
What kind of question is that? SUSHI OF COURSE!!!
A few none important girls in his class, Fuuka (I seriously hate her, sorry to Fuuka lovers), and by Sana is too confused to figure out that she's in love with him.
Hayama has had a very sad life. His mother died giving birth to him, and his sister blames him for it and calls him a devil-child. His father always came home late from work and never turned him the word, even when he was there. The name Devil-child actually fit him in the beginning because he was causing a lot of trouble in the classroom, disturbing the girls' learning, the teachers' teaching (especially because he had naughty pictures of the teachers with which he was blackmailing them), and Sana's...everything. The ladder was slightly upset by it and silently (if you call screaming out over national TV silent) dared him to a battle to win the classroom. Sana, knowing that Hayama had a great fear of heights, dared him to a bunjee jumping contest, who would make more noise on the way down would lose and have to obey the other. Eric...I mean Hayama (damn my Italian tendancies), only made a small grunt on the way down (never mind that he was green and about to make a mess of the gym when he came down), while Sana screamed her head off (not becasue she was afraid of heights but because of a stupid game her adoptive mother did when she was little...she'd throw baby Sana up in the air about 8 feet high and watch her come down back to Earth...I think that would make anyone scream after such an experience). Therefore, Hayama won, and Sana had to do what he wanted, which was to leave him alone. But Sana insisted, and finally able to calm him down, found out about his bad home life. She managed to help him and Hayama was finally getting a normal life (but not too much considering that he had Sana in his life), and he was beginning to love her. He is therefore very protective of her and tries to get all her suiters to turn around and take a kick in the ass (not literally...most of the time). His main rival is Naozumi, Sana's coworker, who is also in love with her. He also has perverted tendancies towards Sana and likes to take liberties with her lips and body (such as stealing a couple of kisses from her, making her skirt ACCIDENTALLY fly up, or palping her breasts). But still, he is definetely one of the coolest guys ever to be put in an anime (literally, considering just one glare from him can freeze even the biggest, most confident guys). He and Sana make a great couple because they complement each other and they help each other at bad times, when they feel that nobody else can help them.
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