SD_monkey formerly known as Shadow_Demon

is one of the jokesters of the group (in truth, this can't be said, since we're all jokesters) he's really the baby of the troop. Both because of his age, and because of his maturity level (but we understand that because he's a some extent). He's born in 87, in November, specifically (and I keep saying it because it bothers him), short, thin, (our parents think he can be a model, but to me, that's a bit exaggerated) and athletic (he says). He was born in Italy, and grew up there too, but we all spent 4 years in America, and, for the most part, he forgot how to speak Italian. For some reason that is obscure to Savage Amazon and I, he has his share of female admirers (maybe they're legally blind?). He's also quite rude (as a matter of fact, he's blowing raspberries at me because I'm writing "bad" things about him...lovely, huh?), and very annoying because he never leaves anybody alone for a second (you can just ask Daniela, she worked for us one summer, and he didn't even let her breath on her own...the poor creature went home with tears in her eyes and he thinks it's because she'll have to go through life without him. (Lucky her).
Things he does on the Realm: Layouts, HTML codes and banners.
Other site:
+Anime Street+ +Shaman Cemetery+
Savage Amazon

is the middle child
(so you know what to think about her), she loves to be aggressive and beat up on any male that bugs her way (particularly Shadow_Demon because he has the capacity to P.O. her extremely easily). She, like the retard, was born and grew up in Italy. She is one of those people who takes everything you say way too seriously and she leaves a mark (so be careful what you say... or type).She's born in 86, short (what do you want? It's a family trait), for some strange reason she looks more Hispanic than Italian. She's got dark skin, dark eyes, and dark hair. As much as she is violent she can be sweet (sometimes), and understanding (once in a blue moon), and intelligent (when she's not making retarded remarks). But one of her best traits is that she's funny and she laughs about herself (sometimes a bit too much). And she has a black thumb for computers which means that I have to do all the work for her. Why me? Boo-hoo!
Things she does on the Realm: Dictates and annoys people and just a little info. Currently owner of the Kodocha Reign.
Pearl Drop Angel

is a fascinating young woman who has a great talent for computers, singing, dancing, acting, writing, and drawing. I am Pearl Drop Angel, the brain of the family (when I'm using my brain), all those things that I said above are mostly true, except for the fascinating part (I'm actually a totally normal chick with a boring life and annoying family). I was born in 84, in February, only half an inch taller than Savage Amazon (I hate being short), with short blonde-brown hair, and eyes that nobody on earth has been able to tell with certainty what color they are (they have the most annoying tendancy to change from green to gray to blue, and I don't know which is the real one). I was born in Cortland, NY, and grew up in Italy. My passion is drawing, I totally suck at dancing (yes, I told a little white lie up there, but what do you want? Good dancer sounds way better than rhythmically challanged!) and at most times I act like a total retard (actually, it's at all times...even in class, which gets me in just a little bit of trouble with my teacher)! Alright, Shadow_Demon's going to kill me because I insulted him to death in his profile and I'm being gentle on my description so I'll have to be a little more truthful to avoid certain death. I'm FAT (I don't really think so... just a bit overweight), with an ugly double nose, a face too big for my features and a double chin. There! Are you happy now, SD? You know it's really hard remembering to call them by their web aliases. As you've probably figured out by now (if you didn't you're offense) Savage Amazon and Shodow_Demon are my little siblings and we live with our parents in Italy (I'm so glad to be back in this beautiful country!) where we run a restaurant near Rome. If you want to know more about us send an email directly to one of us (preferably the one you'd like to know better...believe me, it's better to be in contact with just one because otherwise the little ones get jealous and believe me: NOBODY WANTS THAT!) and we'll get back to you when we have the time.
Things she does on the Realm: Info, Fanfiction, crappy image editing, dictates on the layouts and worries about the Ranma Queendom, Kodocha Reign, CMPC and Furuba Dynasty, practically the whole site.
Ja ne!
Current staff: 3
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