Hm… a plot will emerge.

Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfic belongs to me…

Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics if a pokemon talks

Timeline: Early Indigo League, Ash has Thunderbadge, AU, so he’s only got 3 pokemon right now, the first three he captured since that’s the way I write…

This will be het championshipping (Ash x Lance)

Yep, someone told me to do a fic where everyone knew Lance was a girl, so I’m obliging!

Lance: …

Ash: *hugs Lance*

Pika-chan: *hands authoress a mug of hot tea*

Phantomness: *takes tea* Thanks, Lugia knows I need that… *coughs*

Chapter 1


            “Hey kid!”

            Ash looked up. “Are you talking to me?”

            The brown-haired man waved him over. “I was wondering… I’ve heard you have a Pikachu, right?”

            Ash nodded.

            “Well, is it male or female?”

            “Pikachu’s a boy, why?”

            “See, I run a breeding ranch. I’ll pay you $500 if you let your pikachu stud!”

            Pikachu looked interested, so Ash nodded and followed the man back to his ranch.

            Misty and Brock were having lunch at a café.

            “What is it, Misty?”

            “Are we friends?”

            “I think we are.”

            “That’s good.” And they exchanged a smile.


            What Ash _hadn’t_ expected was for Morton to… to…

            “Kairyuu! Hyper Beam!”

            Ash shakily got up, as the man fell to the ground, dead.

            “Are you all right?” A light voice asked. Ash blushed.

            Lance Dragyn, known as the dragon princess, was there on her Dragonite, dressed in her typical black leather.


            “We heard reports that he was a pedophile and used his breeding ranch as an underground slavery ring. It looks like our reports were correct.” Lance said. Ash hastily pulled on his clothes.


            “Ah, it’s fine. You’re not the first child to fall into his trap. He’s tricked several other kids before.”

            Ash blushed. “Thank you for saving me.”

            “No problem. All in a day’s work for a Pokemon Master! Do you need a lift back to, where you were?”

            Ash flushed and climbed on, trying hard not to blush as he hung onto her waist, the dragon pokemon taking off.


            She was pretty.

            She was really pretty!

            She was only fourteen, but she was powerful. Back in Vermillion, Lance bade Ash goodbye and good luck on his journey.


            “You ran into _Lance_?” Brock began to drool…

            “Hentai!” Misty said, malleting him. “Well, so she saved your life, I suppose.”


            “Oh, how cute! You’re blushing! Do you like her?” Misty teased.

            Ash shook his head frantically. Pikachu looked at Pidgeotto with a raised eyebrow. I don’t believe him.

            Neither do I, partner. Neither do I…

            Butterfree flitted around, busy collecting nectar from flowers.

            Ash continued to blush, but Misty had shifted her attention back to brock…he was _still_ drooling.

            “Eew! Stop that right now!”

            Another mallet to the head did not change the situation, oddly enough. Hm.

            Oh well.


            “Hey! You’re not wearing shorts!”

            Ash blinked at the junior trainer. “Um… no?”

            “I challenge you to a pokemon battle!”

            Ash blinked again. “Okay…”

            “Go, Rattata!”

            Pidgeotto attacked before Ash could give orders, a Gust attack sending the rat flying. Ash shrugged, tucking his hands into his jean pockets.

            And then there was… another Rattata…

            “Pidgeotto, use Gust again.”

            Pidgeotto smirked, her eyes shining as she attacked. Stupid rat!

            “Oh no!” Peter cried.

            “You lose.” Ash said. He took the money, and looked around for another trainer to challenge.

            Erika’s gym pokemon were probably on a higher level than Surge’s so he needed to train.

            Hmm… he didn’t have a fire type yet.

            That meant he’d have to train Pidgeotto really well, and get Butterfree to learn a psychic move or two.

            Walking out of the city to the east, he spotted an entire field of junior trainers. Excellent!

            Ash grinned in anticipation. “Ready for more battling, guys?”


            I was born ready, Ash!

            Pikachu just climbed onto his hat, clutching the red and white fabric.


            A few steps later, a Gambler had reared his head. Pikachu took care of his Poliwags quickly.

            Then, there was another gambler. This one boasted a Growlithe.

            Ash frowned slightly. * What to do… *

            “Growlithe, Ember!”

            “Yikes!” Ash quickly stopped, dropped, and rolled, putting out the flames. “Hey! I didn’t even send out a pokemon yet!”

            “Do you think a battle begins when you send out a pokemon?” The man taunted. “No, kid, life’s like a roll of the dice, and it looks like luck wasn’t on your side today!”

            Ash glared.

            I’ll take care of it. Butterfree said. Instantly, spores drifted down, covering Growlithe. It began to snooze.

            And… ah, this’ll do…

            Whirlwind sent Growlithe flying around, collinear with the path of a confusion attack.

            Butterfree fluttered back to Ash’s side. Nice, no?

            “That was great!”

            The Gambler looked like he had been slapped in the forehead with a mullet, but despite his uncouth and possibly unorthodox ways, he did admit his loss and paid Ash half his money. And so, the training continued…


End Chapter

Started 8/15/04, completed 8/16/04


Fic Timeline to date! Not all of these are posted yet!

First ever life = Never Know à Betrayal, etc. à CCA and Dragon’s Series (including Lagrimas y Silencia del Dragon) à Dreams of Insanity à Will-O-Wisp à End of Misty à Final test à Vision of Hope à Protect Me à Innocence à Creating my own Destiny à Psychic Destiny à Painted Smiles à Fire Soul à Dross à Twilight Happenings à Painted Smiles à Defiance à Halfway Role Reversal à Looped à Seeing Selective Reality à Not bad for a Mousetrap à Frost Comes Early à Stream of Change à Just Catelyn à Slivered Glass à Pencil Lines à Only so Bright à Only as Dark à Call to Twilight à Mirror my Reflection à Pokemon Special à Stealing a cliché à It all Started with Kleenex à Crystal Clear à Moondance à Deceptive à Chosen à Double-Edge à Taste of Eternal Loyalty à Original Right à Go Fish à Jewel Bright à Technically Correct à As you like it à Tapestry à Too much of a good thing (where Lance first turns necklace into bracelets) à Winter’s Child (one-shot w/o any romance) à Storm Warning à Illusion of Weakness à Prismatic rainbow à Greyscale à Play the Game à Sundance à Rocket Child à Brittle Strength à A True Beginning à Sailor Eevee à Shelter from the Storm à Kidnapped à Travels in Glitch City à Inside a Poke Ball à Forged by Fire à Pokegenie à Challenge: New Island à Pest Control à Falling Rain à Clinkà Ahogar à Freedom’s Price à Hubris à Phoenix Rising à Dragon’s Child à Unavoidable Destiny à Jewel-Bright à Dark Wings, Dark Things à Of Cards and Catastrophes à Dark Angel à Puzzle Pieces à Pet Shop of Horrors: Pokemon à Pokemon: The Mysterious Game I à Moonlight, Midnight à Quemar à Pokemon Switched à Masquerade à Shimmer à Shadow on the Wall à Wanderer à The Way Home à Destiny-Bound à Mew Amulet à Riding the Tempest à True Ability à Neverland à Choices Made