Feed the birds, tuppence a bag…

An authoress does not have to be sane.

Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfic belongs to me!

Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics if a pokemon talks

Ash: Hm.

Phantomness: Don’t give me that, dear… I could make this a horrendously soppy AAMRN.

Lance: *twitches*

Chapter 2



            Ash held up the netted Sandshrew proudly.

            “Well, I’m surprised it worked.’ Brock whistled.

            “Why? I just left out a plate of pokenosh and set a falling net above it…”

            “Still, it seems so… primitive.”

            Ash shrugged. “At least I caught a Sandshrew!”

            Sandshrew wagged his tail. Hi!

            Cheerful little pokemon, he was.

            “But still.” Misty said. “Surely you’re not going to spend the rest of your life here in Vermillion, are you?”

            “What gave you that idea? It’s only been four days of training.” Ash said.

            “… You evolved Pidgeotto into Pidgeot.”


            Pidgeot preened.

            “And… you’ve caught more pokemon than you have otherwise.”

            Ash shrugged. “I like water-types too.” Pikachu had gotten a good workout fighting all those water pokemon, and since there were so many of them floating on the surface, he had taken the time to catch a few.

            Squirtle. Tentacruel. Staryu. Shellder. Horsea. Goldeen. Tentacool. Of course, they were all staying at Oak’s…

            Except for Tentacruel, Horsea, and Squirtle.

            That had filled up Ash’s pokemon carrying capacity.


            “Why won’t you trade me the Tentacruel?”

            “Because I like her.”

            Tentacruel was currently draped over Ash’s shoulders, like some sort of a weird cape, snoozing.

            “But… but…”

            “Now, I can’t trade Tentacool, either, because he’s still a baby. Why don’t you catch your own?”

            Squirtle, Sandshrew, and Pikachu were busy engaged in a rousing game of… Hearts? That’s what it looked like.

            Squirtle smiled as he slipped Pikachu the Ace of Hearts.

            Pikachu groaned.


            Misty was silent.

            Ash blinked, then shrugged and went back to training.

            Butterfree was doing awfully well…

            Erika should be no problem at all then.

            Indeed, she wasn’t. Soon, the Rainbow badge was added to his collection. Soon after, Soul joined.


            “What is it?” The boy asked.

            “You… you seem different.”

            “You mean that I’ve become more mature?”

            “Er, yes…” Brock coughed. “How did this happen? Did you meet a girl who changed your life?”

            “… No.” * Not everything revolves around girls… *

            It was true to some extent though.

            He liked her. He didn’t know her very well, but he liked her. She was his ideal. He would do his best to become like her.

            And shine…


            “You zoned out just there. Earth calling Ash.” Brock said. Ash snapped back to reality and grinned.

            “Well, I promise I will become a pokemon master!” Ash glittered.

            Of course, _now_ it was more than just idle speculation.


            “Sandshrew, use Sand-Attack.”

            That was to take care of the wild Pikachu that had just jumped out of the bushes.

            “Now, use Earthquake…”

            And that was to finish.

            Sandshrew grinned. So what? He didn’t want to evolve. Besides, people underestimated him if he was cute.

            Squirtle felt the same.

            Pikachu just hated Thunderstones with a passion, although the case was not quite clear yet…

            Sandshrew jumped up and down excitedly as more Pikachus appeared. So much the better…


            Ash quickly pulled on his protective goggles.

            Sandshrew truthfully gained a lot of EXP in that hit. They were strong, his team…. He was very proud of them.


            He couldn’t wait until the Championships.

            Then, he would shine for her…

            Tentacruel stirred sleepily. She was very resistant to dryness now; all the carrying and exposure to air had made her tougher.

            He was drifting.


            “Ash! Earth to Ash!”

            Brock sighed. “He’s spacing out again.”


            “No idea…”

            “Well, I hope he gets over it.” Misty said.

            Ash snapped back to reality. “Oh! Misty… here.”

            Misty stared at the money. “… Well, thank you…” She was surprised, it was the exact amount she had paid for her bike, how had he known that, but…

            “… Ash?”

            Ash snapped back again. * I have to remember to thank Lance for telling me… * “Hai?”

            “I guess I’ll see you in Indigo during the championships.” Misty said.

            Ash nodded. “I’ll be seeing you…”

            He waved goodbye as Misty walked down the road.

            “I thought you liked Misty!” Brock exclaimed.

            Ash blinked. “When did I say that?”

            “Well, I thought…”

            “The world doesn’t revolve around pretty girls, Brock.” Ash said, although he felt his cheeks flush slightly. * There’s only one girl I’d like to see again, and it’s not Misty… *

End Chapter

Completed 8/16/04