Now I need a counterplot…

Lance: *bad thoughts*…

Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing writing belongs to me. Do not take my work.

Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics if a pokemon talks

Chapter 3


            “You want me to do what?”

            “You’re the only one who’s young enough.” Agatha said.

            “No! I swear, I get all the nasty stuff no one wants to do because I’m Champion…” Lance griped.

            Lorelei shot her younger cousin a patronizing look. “Well, you said it, not me.”

            Bruno grunted.

            Lance glared at him. “Don’t say a word, _Fighting Master_.” She released Dragonite in a flash of red light and climbed on. “All right, I’d better get something out of this.”

            “You’re saving the world, smile!”

            Lance scowled. “Yes, yes, whatever…”

            She took off in a whirl of fancy-looking wind bursts and vanished.


            “Do you think we did the right thing?”

            “Pfft. I think so.” Bruno said.

            “Bruno can actually talk?” Lorelei mused. Agatha chuckled.

            < I suppose so. Good luck to her; though, she’ll need it… >


            Lance landed silently and looked around.

            Good… she wasn’t being followed… no, not quite. A hail of tiny poison-tipped needles shot out of her hands as several cries sounded.

            Sleep powder.

            They didn’t suspect anything if you were cute.

            It was nice having that on her side. Not having to hide the fact that she was a girl was… different.

            Lance ignored the fainted men, all masked and cloaked. There wouldn’t be information out of them. Hired killers.

            So someone on the Elite had sold her out, eh?

            Eyes shifted to red, settled on blood, as she smiled. No matter.

            They couldn’t hurt her…

            She’d leave them to face their boss… he would probably punish them in any case. Now where was it?

            Dragonite looked nervous. Master Lance…

            < I’ll be fine. > Lance sent.

            But still… that stupid orb would only appear at a certain phase of the moon… was tonight the correct night, or…


            They were making sure she wouldn’t live to face the correct night.

            The girl looked around carefully, before she smiled.

            A little flicker of flame flashed on one finger, before…



            A man tumbled out of a tree.

            “Amnesia!” Lance said, pointing at him. Poor guy… he immediately keeled over fainted.

            Woohoo! Giant battleaxe wielder…

            Well, it wasn’t too hard to figure out what his intention _had_ been. Lance grinned to herself as she flew off again.

            Dragonite didn’t look as worried now.


            “Fire blast!”

            Ash and Squirtle both dodged, before Squirtle spat out Hydro Pump. Excellent!

            “Now, Skull Bash!”

            Magmar fell back into the lava with a splat.

            “… You just healed my Magmar.” Blaine said, as the fire pokemon leapt out again, grinning.

            “Well, no matter.” Ash said, as Surf smashed into Magmar.

            At least that took off the rest of the HP.

            Ash smiled. “Well, what now?”

            Blaine laughed. “Well done, Ash… here, take my Volcanobadge. I knew you wouldn’t disappoint me.”

            “You heard from the other gym leaders, godfather?”

            “Hai. You’ve done well.”

            Ash nodded confidently. “I won’t lose! But… er…” He blushed.

            “You’re in love with her aren’t you?”


            “How did I guess? Well, I suspected…” Blaine cracked a smile. “Ah, don’t worry about it. You’re still young!”

            He was only twelve…

            Ash waved goodbye after a few more minutes of chatter, and took off on Pidgeot.

            “Viridian Ho?”


            “Good luck then,” Brock waved. “I’m going sightseeing!”

            “Girl-watching.” Ash translated.

Brock shrugged. “Beach beauties galore! Come on, man, why don’t you want to come with me?”

“I’m only _twelve_, Brock.”

“So? You’re never too young for girls!”

Ash coughed slightly. Pidgeot yawned, waiting for him to make up his mind.

Whenever you call, Ash…whenever you’re ready…


“Good luck then, I hope you actually find a girlfriend this time.” Ash teased, before he hopped on Pidgeot’s back and away they flew.

“I will!” The call echoed after their retreating exit.

It was fine…


Day 4 of moon watching. Success level 0.

Lance stared at the sky, daring it to laugh. It didn’t. She watched as another few minutes passed, before going back into the tent.

Stupid legend.

She wished it weren’t true, but since it was, the prophecy had to be fulfilled. Legendaries had _way_ too much free time on their hands…

This wasn’t even an uber-powerful-slash-dangerous weapon.

Lance idly considered _who_ had created their newest monstrosity. It was called, quite simply, the Wiggler.

What on earth was a wiggler?

Was it… god forbid, some device that should never have mention in polite society? Was it, no, it couldn’t be…

Lance’s eyes widened as something landed in her hands.

It was green… bright lime neon green… and small… and looked like a limp worm… and…

< Lugia-san!! Whose idea was this? >

< Registeel I believe, why? >

< It’s a Spork! You sent me out here to retrieve a magical spork? I realize that things haven’t always been exciting, but… >

Lance stopped as Lugia burst out laughing. This could take a while…

Spork. I am going to bloodily murder Registeel. Maybe I could draw and quarter him… what a grandiose and extravagant waste of time and power…


End Chapter

Completed 8/16/04

You don’t really think I’d plagiarize myself too much, do you? I find a Spork quite different…

Lance: A SPORK?

Ash: You sent him out for a Spork?

Phantomness: Look. I’m sick, tired, and trying to write fanfic. This is the best I can do.

Kairo: *Laughs* magical Spork, eh?

Pika-chan: It’s a eating utensil! I approve!

Shoyko: *sighs and puts a blanket ‘round Phantomness’s shoulders* Let’s give her some peace before she snaps more…