Relationship Counseling
In Love or in any relationship be willing to help one another and to help others. Don't keep too many secrets, talk over everything you feel and want to do with each other. Try to Work together to provide for all of your wants and needs. Give an occasional gift and be willing to forgive. Think what it would be like not to have anyone in your life who cared about you. Compromise and be willing to listen or ignore to end a debate. Complement and Congratulate each other from time to time if for nothing else than just being together. Don't blame each other but when something's wrong try to work together and help each other to fix it and make things better. Don't tease, accuse or insult one another if something is lost instead of complaining try to replace it somehow or just forgive. Remember it takes 2 to make a life with the help of God however you know him, and No one can go through life totally alone either. Write all things down, Plan. Never argue in front of anyone and sparing the rod will spoil the children.
Happiness comes from working for and doing things for yourself and others so don't be selfish, share, care, bear burdens, be patient, tolerate. Respect and say kind things be kind because you are special to each other and No one can replace you, you never know when you really would need someone and / or each other. Work together making decisions and caring for any children together teach them to be humble, courteous, respectful polite, and God-fearing how ever you perceive him. If you can't decide on God, leave it at good morals, and in knowing that somehow we were created by someone and in some way. Don't criticize or feel that just your way and your opinion is right all of the time. Religion can cause division  so be neutral or somewhere in the middle, it is best to just sometimes teach morals and leave choice alone for yourselves and your children. Be committed to all things but don't dictate.
When it comes to education the same thing goes basically deal with the things you understand. Teach what you are able to, to others, and realize that No one is perfect, No one has all the answers. Being a know it all can only cause problems, admit when you're wrong and move on, leave certain issues alone and forget the past. Try to be willing always and forgive even when you're right and No one else will, don't take sides or instigate ever. 
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Mr. Shamsuddin A. Abdul-Hakim Bey
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Name: Mr. Shamsuddin A. Abdul-Hakim Bey
Email: [email protected]
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