
As I�m sure your all aware, My daughter has diabetes. She is a healthy, happy 10 year old who lives everyday with a disease that forces her to check her blood glucose levels by pricking her fingers with a small needle. She has to monitor what she eats and how much she eats as well as when she eats it. Shortly after she was diagnosed with diabetes, she was at a birthday party for a friend. At this party they were doing all the usual things done at any birthday party. Playing games, running around, being kids. It seemed as if Shana was having a good time. As the party ended, we walked back to our car. I happened to look at Shana and I noticed she had begun to quietly cry. I bent down and asked her what was wrong. At first she would not say but after asking a few more times she said � I had to be different, I couldn�t have what they had. I don�t want to be different.� This broke my heart. I hugged her, wishing the diabetes were mine not hers.
Since that day, thanks to many programs available to us, she has adapted remarkably well to her disease. She still has days when she gets frustrated and will probably deal with many more. There are an estimated 17 million people who now have this disease and the numbers continue to grow.

Not long ago, we found out that another member of our family was inflicted with this disease. Her name is Amanda, She is 16 and was in the ICU for 3 days for elevated blood sugar levels. It is a scary and potentially life threatening ailment. She is adapting to this completely new lifestyle with strength and courage. We are very proud of her also.
Every year we raise money for research for a cure so that no child will ever have to say to there parents, I don�t want to be different.

We participate in JDRF Walk for a Cure. This years walk is in Nashua, NH on Sunday, September 21th. What we need from you is donations or you can join our walk team and add to the team fund. Anything helps $5.00 or $500.00, you decide.
Our first year and second year out, we raised over $2,000 each year and this year we hope to beat that goal.

If you would like to be part of the walk team or just offer a donation, please click on the "on to donations" button at the bottom.
Thank you for your time and support as we move closer to a cure,

Dave C. and The S.A. Striders Team
On to Donations
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