Behind Blue Eyes
 by MadCat =^-^= ([email protected])

Eeep! Hiyas! This is my very first songfic ever, and I don't think it's as good as my other stuff; but I heard this song and it was soooo perfect for Heero, I just had to write it!! If anybody out there can write it better, please do, I'd like to read it!! 

The song is "Behind Blue Eyes" by The Who. I can send a copy of the lyrics if anyone wants them; I think I left out one repetition of the chorus. Thanks!!!!

Disclaimer: Nothing is mine. Kay? *giggle*

song by The Who

No one knows what it's like
To be the bad man
To be the sad man
Behind blue eyes

Cobalt blue eyes swept slowly over the room, watching the other pilots as they sat around talking, relaxing, and being happy with the only friends they had in their war-torn world. Quatre snuggled in Trowa's arms, laughing as Duo made outrageous gestures while recounting his last battle in Shinigami. Trowa's eyes were slightly softer than usual, as he tightened his arms around the slender blond. Wufei was smirking, the closest he would get to a smile. Heero turned away, staring impassively out the window, watching the rain fall. 

No one knows what it's like
To be hated
To be fated
To telling only lies

Cobalt blue eyes narrowed slightly as the students outside their window talked loudly about the "rebel scum" and the "Gundam trash" that were threatening their lives and prolonging the war, even after the colonies themselves had turned their backs on them. Duo was scowling slightly, his jaw clenched to keep from making angry retorts. Heero glanced at him for a moment, then turned back to his laptop, adjusting their enrollment status and preparing a new set of lies to get them into an OZ-controlled school unnoticed. 

But my dreams
They aren't as empty
As my conscience seems to be

Cobalt blue eyes warmed slightly as their owner's lips turned up in a smile, relaxing in a field of rich green grass, warmed by the sun overhead. In the silence he could hear birds singing, children laughing-- moments of pure joy, unshadowed by war and fear. He took in a deep breath of sun-scented air, and smiled. Beside him Duo was curled, creating a line of warmth against his side and in his heart, comforting him. He sighed softly, perfectly content for that single moment. Then the alarm clock rang, breaking the silent spell, heralding another day of war. His eyes hardened as he slid out of bed, his cold mask in place once more. 

I have hours, only lonely
My love is vengeance
That's never free

Cobalt blue eyes closed in pain as Duo left again, finally giving up on trying to persuade Heero to join him for some recreational activities. Heero sighed, wanting so much to call Duo back, to be with him, to tell him what he felt-- but it was impossible. There was nothing he could offer the violet-eyed angel that had just walked away but anger and pain. That was all he had left, now; his training and the war had removed anything else inside him, any trace of humanity or warmth. All that was left was an empty shell with blazing cobalt eyes that reflected nothing.

No one knows what it's like
To feel these feelings
Like I do
And I blame you

Cobalt blue eyes remained shut, feigning sleep as Duo slid into the small hotel bed. They were en route between missions, and forced to share accommodations. Having Duo's warmth so close was torture. His body was almost trembling, except a lifetime of training would not permit it to betray him that way. He remained completely still, listening, until Duo's breathing evened out into the rhythm of sleep. Finally he turned, propping himself up on one elbow to stare down at his sleeping partner. His eyes hungrily devoured the beautiful face, the long waterfall of chestnut hair that spread over the pillow. How was it possible? How could he make Heero feel so much? It wasn't right. It was a distraction. But he couldn't stop the hunger. It was Duo's fault, somehow-- somehow he had slipped inside the hard shell Heero had created, the wall that kept out the world. Damn him. Heero slowly leaned over, brushing a feather-light kiss over Duo's brow. The boy sighed in his sleep, smiling. Heero turned away, and closed his eyes.

No one bites back as hard
On their anger
None of my pain and woe
Can show through

Cobalt blue eyes remained unwavering as Duo ranted at him, pleaded with him, trying to receive some sort of response. "I know you're human in there, Heero. You can't just hold everything in like this, man! You've got to open up to other people... to me.... I want to help you, Heero. Please, let me in.... let me in...." The violet eyes were liquid, as Duo reached out to entreat him, slender fingers gripping his shoulders. 

Heero remained unmoving, feeling himself dying inside, wishing he could reach out, wishing he could bury himself in Duo's arms and tell him everything he was feeling, see if he could take away the pain.... but he said nothing.

When my fist clenches, crack it open
Before I use it and lose my cool
When I smile, tell me some bad news
Before I laugh and act like a fool

Cobalt blue eyes blazed with fury as he slammed his fist into the wall, growling deep in his throat. The mission was a failure... faulty intel, and it had cost innocent lives. Lives he'd never wanted to put in danger. It was his fault, for not checking more thoroughly. Duo walked up behind him, slowly, making enough noise that it was clear he was approaching. 

"Heero..." his throaty voice was low, soothing. Heero turned slowly, fists clenched, restraining himself from lashing out to release the tension, the anger. Duo's cool fingers slowly encircled his fist, gently taking both Heero's hands in his, twining their fingers. His eyes flew up to meet Duo's, the anger slowly melting away. "Heero..." Duo whispered again, his voice reflecting the same guilt and sadness that Heero felt inside. 

Slowly, Duo brought Heero's hand up to his cheek, nuzzling it gently. A single tear fell down Duo's cheek, and slowly he reached up to wipe it away, his hand trembling. Their lips met hesitantly, brushing lightly, and he could feel Duo's breath warm against his lips. Slowly they sank back onto the bed, the pain and sorrow melting away under the warmth of each other, if only for a moment.

If I swallow anything evil
Put your finger down my throat
If I shiver, please give me a blanket
Keep me warm, let me wear your coat

Cobalt blue eyes slid half-shut, glazed by fever, even as he shivered with cold. Vaguely he felt Duo wrapping another blanket around his shoulders. He was so tired, couldn't think straight. Remaining in cold, damp OZ cells between beatings and interrogation was hard on one's health, Duo had jokingly noted. But for now there were no jokes; Duo simply fed him some warm broth, lightly brushing his lips over Heero's clammy brow. He wanted to say it, wanted to tell his angel how much he loved him, but it hurt too much. His throat was sore, his mind unfocused. He could feel Duo laying him back against the mattress, curling his slender frame around him, and he sighed, grateful for the warmth, snuggling close. 

No one knows what it's like
To be the bad man
To be the sad man
Behind blue eyes

Cobalt blue eyes focused in on the slender, braided figure who was currently flipping hamburgers on the stove, humming happily to himself. Heero felt a small amused smile curling his lips, and for once, let it form. He walked up silently behind Duo, wrapping his arms around the slender waist. Duo jumped, barely managing to get the burger back into the pan. 

"Sheesh, Hee-chan, give a guy a heart attack," he murmured, caressing Heero's cheek as he turned his head for a kiss. One which Heero gladly gave, exploring the warm recesses of Duo's mouth. Duo was almost purring by the time he finally released his lips. 

Heero brushed another kiss over Duo's temple, reaching into his pocket, then bringing up a small box, presenting it to Duo. 

"Ooh, for me?" Duo gushed, taking it with a grin. Heero's arms remained around Duo's waist, as Duo opened the box, his eyes lighting up as he saw the tiny cross earrings inside. "I love it, koibito," he whispered, capturing Heero's lips for another long kiss. Finally they stopped for air, and Duo smiled. "I'll go put them on," he whispered, caressing Heero's chin. Heero smiled, watching Duo bounce into the bedroom. His cobalt blue eyes were filled with love and warmth, reflecting the soul that was slowly emerging from within. 

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