My Big Mouth
 by Lena Ban Obsidian ([email protected])

Warnings and disclaimers, etc: Yaoi. Beware. The charas aren't mine. The song belongs to Oasis. On and on. Okie dokie.

Everybody knows

Heero politely ignored the desperate looks Quatre was throwing his way, as Trowa made them all coffee. Wufei and Duo merely exchanged knowing looks before returning to their argument. When he handed each of the others their mug, the green-eyed boy could feel that something important was hanging in the air, unsaid.

But no one's sayin' nothing

Quatre put on a mask that made him want to...and Heero glowered at him. Not unusual, for most people, but he was certain that he'd only been glowered at by the great Heero Yuy on one or two occasions. Wufei and Duo were too wrapped up in an argument over jellybean flavors to notice him setting down the mugs, but somehow, he could tell that they were arguing so violently because they didn't want to have to look at him.

So it must have something to do with Quatre, He decided. Ever since the zero incident, the rest of them had tiptoed around him about his unquestioned love for the blond. Even the Arabian himself was uncertain of the reality of his love; so complete, even when he didn't have his memory. It simply wasn't a trustworthy concept, that. Wasn't he angry for being hurt so badly?


And it's a sound so very loud

Probably the reason that he snapped was not because he'd had such a long, torturous day. But finding the one person he trusted screwing with the other person he respected...Okay, it was definitely unusual to scream, but it was way more unusual to lock oneself in one's room and trace throwing knives along his forearm as pretend-worried people beat on his door.

Fuck this.

That no one can hear

"It's like I'm not allowed to tell him that he scares me," Quatre whimpered.

So the decision had seemed obvious. And the plan, once executed, was easy. Trowa had to go. They both agreed on that point. But how far away?

"I'll take care of it, Quatre. We have a mission tomorrow." The blond wouldn't meet his eyes, and his voice softened. "Something wrong?"

Determinedly, Quatre shook his head.

"No. Nothing's wrong, except him. He shouldn't have bothered to jump to his conclusions." Heero nodded, feeling reassured. If Quatre wasn't upset about this, the plan would definitely work. They kissed, trying to push the feeling of unease away.

I got something in my shoe

The battle was not going well. First off, something was wrong with HeavyArms' left leg. He was basically stuck where he stood. And secondly, Heero had left with information instead of backing him up. Damned child; you screwed with my machine, didn't you?

"Which I guess I should have expected," He muttered to himself, trying desperately to back away. It occurred to him that it might be possible to throw the rebels off by pretending to crash and burn...

It's keeping me from walking

He arrived at the safe house around midnight three days later. Judging from the sounds that he could hear coming from Quatre and Heero's room, he was very unexpected, or their timing and 'subtle' message were perfect for their consciences.

Wearily, he trudged to his room and contemplated the daggers again, refusing to treat the wounds he'd received with anything. Except, he rationalized, except maybe I could do something worse than make new cuts.

He went looking for a bottle of alcohol. Any kind would do. Pain- I need pain.

Down the long and winding road

A single, piercing scream went up in the night, causing both Duo and Wufei to awake and rush into the hallway. As though taunting them, there seemed to be no other sound in the house. They exchanged worried looks and split up, Duo heading for Heero and Quatre, and Wufei heading for Trowa's room, in case the other boy had returned. 

"Maxwell!" Duo hurried in, expecting the worst and privately feeling his stomach roil unhappily at the sight of Heero and Quatre in bed, looking like addicts. Inside Trowa's room, he found that the sight of the other two wasn't so bad. A few smaller scratches laced across the boy's entire body, and were enough to bother him. But then there was the deep, long wound, still open and bleeding that ran across the clown's chest.

He turned to Wufei, swallowing, and the Chinese boy shook his head.

Relieved, he looked back.

Back home to you

When he awoke, days later, Duo was sitting over him, a faintly worried expression on his face. He ached, but it wasn't bad.

"What the hell did you do to yourself?" The other boy asked, drawing his attention away from the ceiling.

"I poured a bottle of alcohol on my wounds." The matter-of-fact tone offset Duo for a moment, and Heero conveniently chose to enter the room at that moment. The American, seeing this, left the room, glowering at the Japanese.

Trowa gave him a hard look and closed his eyes.

And round this town

"You poured alcohol on yourself?" He sat down next to the bed. Trowa refused to open his eyes.


"Why?" The green eyes remained closed, but if they had been open, Heero was certain that the air would have crackled before them. He'd never heard such anger in the HeavyArms pilot before.

"Why are you asking stupid questions?"

You've ceased to be

"I was wondering. Are you going to hold a grudge?" It was just too much; he opened his eyes and glared in complete hatred at the other boy.

"For what, in particular? For you sleeping with Quatre? For you leaving me behind to face off an entire band of rebels? For you screwing with my life?" He laughed, bitterly, and closed his eyes again. "Somehow, I think you would if you were in the same situation."

That's what you got for sleepin' with the enemy

"Trowa, I-"

"Get out. Now." After the shuffling of someone standing sounded, he relaxed his control somewhat. 

Which probably wasn't a good idea. 

Where angels fly

"Wh-what...are you doing...Heero?" His question was cut off by a piece of fabric, shoved in his mouth and then tied around behind his head. The handcuffs had been surprising, but nothing to cause fear. Now he was completely stripped and immobile. Not good.

"You think you're good enough for him? You never could be. He's like an angel; and I won't let you have that from him." The struggling of the other only made him more eager to begin. He had missed doing this.

"I'll bring you down from the clouds, Trowa, and then we can see about Quatre."

He shook his head wildly, yanking all the while at the chains. It didn't help, but he couldn't stop trying to get away- he was reacting purely instinctively now.

You won't play

He could have sworn he thought he heard muffled screams coming from the house as he left, but they were on a mission, so he didn't give it much thought. Wufei and Duo in the backseat didn't seem too pleased with having to leave Heero in the house with Trowa, but they really didn't have a choice. 

So guess who's gonna take the blame for...

When he untied the other boy, the green eyes just looked so angry. Not guilty, or afraid, just purely and insanely angry. Something within him sparked, strange and powerful- fear.

I'd better get the hell out of here.

He watched Heero go, and tried counting to ten. No luck there.

My big mouth 

When they turned the corner, Quatre stifled a tiny gasp. There was no longer a house; just Heero standing outside, and Trowa on the far side of the smoking rubble, the latter looking completely unmoved and the former looking puzzled.

Heero turned to lock eyes with Quatre and shrug.

And my big name

Duo and Wufei were both very worried, but not for Trowa. They could guess what must have happened while they were gone, though there wasn't any proof...and that didn't bother them. They were worried about Heero, and Quatre.

Because Trowa's wound had sealed the day after the explosion. 

And because the green-eyed boy didn't look sane anymore.

I put on my shoes while I'm walking

Heero tried not to moan as Quatre unlaced his boots and...did other things. The blond smiled happily up at him, and then returned to the ever so interesting...shoelaces. 

"Did...did Trowa this for you? Or..." The struggle to speak was taking its toll on him; he felt as though he'd burst from his pants.

"No," Quatre's soft voice brought his eyes to rest on the lowered head of his blond angel. "No, Trowa always seemed to think...he had to own I was a toy." Gently, Heero stroked the feathery white-blond hair, offering a slight smile.

"I promise that if anybody owns anything, it's you owning me."

Slowly down the hall of fame

They didn't hear the door closing behind them; Trowa was furious.

Into my big mouth sleep so peacefully. How odd. 

The American shifted slightly in the bed, his face taking on a troubled expression for a moment, and then sighed a soft little sleep sigh.

You serve Mortis well, Duo.

There wasn't a sound to inform the slumberer of a foreign presence. Not a creaking floorboard, not a pat of a foot. The shadowy intruder seemed to sail over the ground.

You can serve Me too.

Yeah, you could fly a plane

Wufei returned home from the grocery store to find Duo and Trowa studying a copy of the bible, the American quietly pointing out something here or there, and the clown only nodding or shaking his head in response. It was unsettling; not only was Duo quietly conversing with someone, he was quietly conversing with someone he seemed to be afraid of. 

"Maxwell, help me unpack these groceries," He demanded, gruffly and in the hopes of catching at the short temper to which the other clung so tightly.

Dead violet eyes turned up to him, and away to meet green ones. Trowa glanced at Wufei, and then nodded. Duo put the book down on the couch and stood slowly, moving to help.

Wufei was shaking.

I put on my shoes while I'm walking

"Heero? Heero! I need to speak with you." The urgency of the Chinese boy's tone threw him off; he opened the door and met worried obsidian eyes.

"What do you want, Wufei?" After glancing nervously around, he pushed inside the room and slammed the door shut behind himself. Once within, he began pacing.

"Wufei? Calm down, you're making me dizzy." The other boy sent him a wild look and shook his head, then sat heavily on the bed, groaning. 

"Something's wrong. I don't know what, should see Duo. It's..." As if on cue, the American walked into the room, acting perfectly normal- if you didn't count the strange way he was watching Wufei. Heero grumbled, and the Chinese boy hurried out of the room, and as far away from Duo as he could get. 

Once he was outside, he ran into Trowa. The green-eyed boy gave him a disgusted look and turned away.

"Trowa?" He had forgotten about the two of them reading the bible together. "Did you see anything strange happen to Duo?"

Slowly down the hall of fame

His expression was horrible. A grin, slow to spread but deadly like fangs once it had opened, possessed His face as he turned back to Wufei.

"Perhaps I have."

I ain't ever spoke to God

As soon as Wufei had left the room, Duo seemed to lose interest in everything, so Heero went back to his laptop. There weren't any new missions, so he just hacked around, looking for anything he might find that could be defined as interesting. 

A slight shuffling informed him of a new figure entering the room; he turned, half-hoping to see Quatre back. The other had been gone for at least a week, now. It was getting lonely.

And I ain't ever been to heaven

Trowa stood before him, with Wufei standing on his left and Duo on his right. All three looked uncharacteristically...cruel. Trowa rolled his head, causing his neck to crack loudly, and then fixed Heero with a penetrating gaze that made the Japanese boy feel as though he were burning.

But you assumed I knew the way

"You should not have trifled with Me before you knew what I was capable of," Trowa gritted, his eyes seeming to spark. Heero smirked quietly, stifling his slight fear.

"Are you repeating yourself, Trowa? I believe you've said that line before."

Instantly, the walls around them dissolved into flame.

Even though the map was given

The Japanese boy was looking around him at the change.

Good. Now you will understand what I am.

Cobalt blue eyes returned to him, and did not seem to be afraid.

"Do you know where you are, Heero?"

And as you look into the eyes

The slight confusion on the other boy's face made him smile wider, revealing dagger-like teeth in multiple rows. Heero shook his head, turning again to examine the new surroundings. Behind him, he found a huge white bed, bathed in sunlight that nearly blinded him. Upon it lay his beloved Quatre, bound hand and foot, and crying. Feathery white wings were spread over his body, hiding the majority of the young, angelic boy from sight, but Heero was certain that Quatre had been molested as surely as he had raped Trowa.

This was becoming confusing. Where were they?

Of a bloody cold assassin

He turned back to Trowa, meeting the other's eyes once more. Realization hit him, and he gritted his teeth.

It's only then you realize


"I am Satan," Trowa hissed, sending a ball of flame after Heero in his anger.

With whose life you have been messing

He dodged, and heard a cry of pain behind him; after checking, he felt his stomach flop. The ball of fire had hit Quatre instead of himself.

And round this town

"If You promise to let him go, I'll..." Satan laughed toothily, and sent Duo forward to untie Quatre.

"You'll be Mine, and utterly Mine, for the rest of eternity. Do you really want that?" Quatre winced as Duo brushed his feathers.

You've ceased to be

"Yes," He responded hastily. If his angelic Quatre suffered any more damage, he was sure he would cry.

That's what you got for sleeping with the enemy

When he awoke, he was home. Relena didn't look pleased.

"You shouldn't have let things get out of control. Satan took the mortal, and now he's stuck there for no reason."

"You don't understand," He began, trying to sit up. Scowling, the other angel shoved him back down.

"I understand perfectly. You humiliated Satan, and so did your little boyfriend. So Satan has effectively paid the both of you back. It still could have been avoided."

He snorted in disbelief, phasing through the clouds to get away.

"You say that about everything," A voice grumbled before he faded away completely.

Where angels fly

"So, how do you like your little game, mortal?" The mocking voice was almost more than he could stand. He tried to ignore it, but every time he closed his eyes, Satan used this little power and made him open them again.

"I don't like it." A harsh laugh, vaguely familiar but this time right next to his ear, and then he was facing the other boy's face, a smiling, vulgar thing when not covered with the masks that Trowa had put into effect. I liked you better when you were hiding.

"Yes, yes...don't you find it odd that in My true form, I am quite honest?"

"Hn." I hate you.

You won't play

"Quatre! Where do you think you're going?"

The blond angel smiled blandly, and sank through the base of heaven, and down through the mortal world.

"Hell," He replied softly.

So guess who's gonna take the blame for...

Trowa sensed him coming.

"It seems your knight in shining armor is coming after you, Heero. I don't think he will be enough."

Heero spat irreverently on his face and began yelling Quatre's name.

My big mouth

Oh, God. He dove deeper into Hell, searching frantically.



And my big name

"Be silent, Heero. He will find you eventually anyway."

I don't care! I want you beaten down, you son of a bit-

A slight smirk crossed the green-eyed boy's features. 

"Actually, I'm of his ilk. Fallen Angel, you know. It's technically an even fight, save that I'm the one who rules Hell."

And that makes everything in his favor, you bastard.

"I have more of God Himself than Quatre. I hold the advantage."

I put on my shoes while I'm walking


And to make his threat quite obviously true, the angel sent a wave of frost out, instantly putting out the flames that surrounded him. Silently, Heero crowed in triumph.

"Very well, then. Let us fight."

Slowly down the hall of fame

"Katoray. Long time no see." Torowa etched a mocking little bow. Katoray ignored this and turned to Heero.

"Are you well enough, Dear One?" Still quite mute- thanks to a special spell, hand-crafted by Satan himself- the Japanese boy nodded. Taking this all in, Torowa suddenly paled.

"You wouldn't."

"You aren't particularly well-versed in what Angels of War May do, are you?" Torowa cracked a wan smile.

"I tried to read up on it, but the mortal wasn't of much use."

Into my big mouth

"He is not a mortal, Torowa. You are incredibly foolish."

Heero and Trowa both looked confused, and the blond angel smiled.

"Not any longer."

Yeah, you could fly a plane


Startled, the green-eyed master of Hell turned his head upwards, looking through the Earth and clouds to Heaven. God was glaring at him.

"Master..." He whispered, shaking like a leaf.


I put on my shoes while I'm walking

The quiet acceptance with which Trowa relinquished him was really quite astonishing, but he did not question it. Quatre led him out of Hell and up to Heaven, deathly quiet the whole way.

They met with God.

Slowly down the hall of fame

WELCOME, HEERO YUY. He nodded, and tried not to look as nervous as he felt. The angels were crowding around.


Wait a minute. Son?

Quatre planted a reassuring kiss on his cheek.


New notes: Hey, guys. Every time I reread this, I feel worse. I love Trowa; I feel awful for doing this to him. If y'all think I should write a sequel, I probably will...I think about three yes-es would convince me. So...tell me what ya think. I think it needs closure...but then again, I think that Duo is cool when written as a madman...So please, enlighten me about the views of normal people.

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