 by FalconIce ([email protected]), LavenderRose ([email protected]) and SilverSky


                “Are you absolutely SURE?!” Professor J asked the tall, lanky dark-haired boy standing across him.

Heero Yuy nodded solemly. “Yes. It’s something I’ve always wanted.”

Prof. J looked appalled at his charge. He was really going through this?! He sighed. He hoped that Heero was making the right choice...

Heero glared at the stalling white-haired, lab-coated, evil mad scientist before him. “Get it over with, then, you old fart, before I...”

“Yes. Omae o korosu. Right. I get the point.” The professor waddled over to another door connected to the lab. He opened it. “Well, then. Shall we?”

Heero marched stiffly over to the door. “But I tell you, the odds of it being successful is a 20 to 60 chance. It might also affect certain hormones in your body—“ Prof. J stated.

“...” He glared some more at the amused-looking professor.

“Okay then. Please enter.” The door closed slowly behind them.


                Four months later in the middle of a fierce battle between the Gundam Pilots and OZ, Duo was slashing like mad. “Yeah man!” They were winning. He looked over to check on Heero, but he was surprised to find that Heero’s Wing Zero had abruptly stopped. He tried to contact his friend, but all he got was static. He moved his Shinigami closer to Wing Zero, mildly concerned. He held his scythe in a cautious stance, in case any of the Leos come killing their way. He rapped smartly on Heero’s Gundam. “Oi Heero! We gotta go! They’re coming! The reinforcements, I mean! Daijoubu ka?”

All he got in response was a faint moan from his blacked-out comm. Unit. Then he started to panic. “Heero! Heeero! Answer me! You injured? What happened?”

He got one more painful moan, then got completely cut off. He locked his Gundam’s arms with Wing’s and pushed his thrusters to full, heading directly for the planet that currently held their hideout.


                Heero Yuy, the most self-destructive, psychotic and anti-social pilot, for the first time in his life, experienced the most terrible of pains. If you want to know, the last 10 minutes were pure hell.

His stomach lurched painfully as half his lunch went back up his mouth. “Uugh...” he gritted his teeth. The pain was intense. He swallowed. He needed to vomit desperately. He had been fighting the urge fifteen minutes ago. Was this the start of the side effects or whatever Dr. J had warned him about?

                The last thing he heard was Duo’s frantic voice calling out to him, before he closed his eyes and allowed himself to pass out.

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