Our House
 by figbash ([email protected])

Standard disclaimers apply.
With apologies to Madness... ^_^;;

We come upon a house in the distance. It is a cottage, not unlike a gingerbread house. A quaint little porch runs from one side of the cottage to the other. A tiny aproned figure busily sweeps back and forth upon it.

Upon closer inspection, we see that the figure in the apron is a boy (!) with a long brown braid pinned haphazardly on top of his head. Needless to say, he looks a bit ridiculous (not too ridiculous though, because he's a bishonen, and they can do stuff like that.)

By now, Apron Boy has noticed us staring, and pauses in his sweeping. "Oi! Got a problem?"

We shake our heads.

"Well... the porch was dirty. I was sweeping it. Wufei never wipes his feet, and he'll track it in if I don't keep it clean."

We look at him questioningly. We are obviously wondering about the apron.

"Maa... " he says, scratching the back of his head and blushing. "Would you like a tour?"

We nod our heads vigorously, hoping to see more bishonen.

"By the way, the name's Duo. Duo Maxwell," he says before opening the door. As it opens, we hear the opening strains of "Our House" by the British pop group, Madness.

Duo leads us into the living room, where two more bishonen sit in tense silence. They are distracted by the videogame they are playing, and do not notice us.

We take this opportunity to drool over the two bishonen, while Duo gazes admiringly at the one with the spiky dark brown hair.

"Hah! Nataku wins!!" the black haired boy announces suddenly, throwing down his controller.

"That's because you use the Dragon Flame all the fucking time. It's a cheap move."

"NANI?!? Do you wish to die, Yuy?" 

The other boy shrugs his shoulders coolly.

"Wufei always beats Heero in 'Endless Duel'," Duo whispers to us confidentially.

"There are two others," he continues in a normal voice, "but they seem to be off somewhere..."

Duo resumes the tour... 

Duo wears his Sunday best [Heero: Everyday. Duo: Hey! It's called *style*.]
Wufei's sour he needs a rest
The Gundams have been stored downstairs
Quatre's sighing in his sleep
[Duo: Ano... Quatre's not sleeping... *sweatdrop*]
Heero's laptop starts to beep
He can't hang around

Our house, in the middle of L3
Our house, in the middle of our...

Our house it has a crowd
There's always something blowing up
And it's usually quite loud
They think Wufei's too proud
Nothing every slows him down
And women are not allowed
[Duo: 'cept for Sally, nee~e?]

Our house, in the middle of L3
Our house, in the middle of our...
Something tells me that you wouldn't want to visit it

Trowa gets up late for work
Quatre has to iron his shirt
Wufei worships Nataku
Duo sneaks in a small kiss
Heero's the one he's going to miss
In lots of ways
[Duo: *blush*]

Our house, in the middle of L3
Our house, in the middle of our...

Here they made their humble home,
a little place where G-boys roam
They would have such a very good time, such a fine time
Such a happy time
Then Relena would come by, try to lure Heero away
And Duo would say, "Nothing will come between us. I MEAN it!"

Duo wears his Sunday best
[Duo: Stylin'! Heero: Hn.]
Wufei's sour he needs a rest [Wufei: NANI?!]
The Gundams have been stored downstairs
Quatre's sighing in his sleep
[Quatre: *blush* I do not! Trowa: *looking strangely amused*]
Heero's laptop starts to beep [Heero: Ninmu?]
He can't hang around [Duo: Oh yes you can! *chu*]

Our house, in the middle of L3
Our house, in the middle of our...

[Duo: Itai! Heero, I'm sorry! Geez!!]

Our house, in the middle of L3
Our house, in the middle of our...

[Wufei: WHO'S SOUR?!]

Our house, was our castle and our keep
Our house, in the middle of L3

[Quatre: Ano... really! I don't sigh in my, um, "sleep"... It was Trowa!]

[Trowa: *facevault*]

Our house, that was where we used to sleep
Our house, in the middle of L3

[Quatre: Eep! *runs away*]

[Heero: *tight grip on Duo's now-unpinned braid* Say goodbye. NOW.]

[Duo: Um, well, I guess the tour's over. And there's this, uh, other pressing matter I must attend to. Ite! Don't pull!! So if you'll excuse me... but please come again! It gets really boring around here sometimes and Heero never talks enough and... g'bye!]

Waving farewell, the aproned boy is pulled inside the house and the door is unceremoniously slammed shut. Slowly we walk away, bewildered, yet humming that song we seem to have heard before somewhere, but had been somehow different.

It was kinda catchy.

© 1999 figbash

"Our House" lyrics © Madness

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